Alchemy zone waveform editor in Logic Pro for Mac
Source components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view, then click the A/B/C/D button to view detailed parameters for the selected source.
The source edit window is opened by clicking the Edit button on any source subpage. Click the close window icon (X) at the top right to close the window.
The waveform display of the audio associated with the currently selected zone is shown at bottom of the Main edit window. Zones can be selected in the keymap editor or zone parameters in the inspector. See Alchemy keymap editor in Logic Pro for Mac and Alchemy inspector zone controls in Logic Pro for Mac.
Note: If the additive or spectral engines are in use, the waveform display shows the resynthesized sound amplitude envelope rather than the original sample.

When morphing is enabled, vertical gray lines with numbered handles are displayed over the waveform. These are warp markers. For information on use of warp markers, see Manually time-aligning morphed sounds in Alchemy.
The bright vertical blue lines displayed over the waveform, labeled S and E, indicate playback start and end points. Drag the S or E handle right or left to trim unwanted audio playback from the start or the end of the sound.
Depending on the source material and active morph mode, light blue lines may appear on the background between the start and end markers. These can help with manual alignment of warp markers.
If the selected zone is set to one of the looping modes, loop start and loop end markers are displayed as faint orange lines, each with a small triangular handle shown in the ruler. The loop region is highlighted between these markers. The marker with the left-facing handle sets the loop end point. The marker with the right-facing handle sets the loop end point. Drag the triangular marker handles to adjust the loop start and end points. Click and hold the handle of a loop marker to zoom the waveform horizontally, allowing for more accurate placement.
Note: You cannot position the loop start point later than the loop end point. You can, however, drag both the loop start and loop end markers to the same position, creating a sustain point rather than a loop region. This option is available only in the additive or spectral engines, or with a sample loaded into the granular engine, but not in sampler mode.
Waveform display parameters
> button: Turn automatic audio previewing on or off when selecting zones in the keymap editor.
Loop XFade button: Turn on to enable crossfades between loop start and end markers when Continuous or Sustain loop mode is chosen in the inspector.
A crossfade (XF) marker is shown at the loop end point. Drag this marker left to define a crossfade region, during which a portion of the sound from before the loop start marker is faded in, while the loop region is faded out.
In sampler mode, discontinuities between the loop start and end points can result in an audible click each time the loop restarts. Loops in additive, spectral, or granular modes do not click, but timbral or volume differences between the loop start and end points can often result in an obvious sounding loop. Unlike conventional samplers, the additive, spectral, and granular engines are capable of looping a single instant within the sound, with loop start and end markers at identical positions. This can work well with some sounds, but with others the loop stage may seem too static and obviously different from the start of the note.
Tip: Looping clicks in sampler mode can usually be removed with minimal crossfades, while other timbral or volume discontinuities may need larger crossfades. Drag the XF marker while playing a note to find a suitable crossfade length.
Note: The Loop XFade button is shown in sampler mode only. This parameter is not visible if other import modes are used.
Time line: Shows the overall length of the waveform in seconds. Fractional values (of the overall waveform length) are displayed in some situations, such as manual alignment of warp markers.
Scroll bar and zoom controls: Drag the middle of the scroll bar to view waveform data that is not visible in the display area. Horizontally drag the zoom controls at either end of the scroll bar to resize the contents of the visible display area.