ES2 MW-Pad-Creator setting in Logic Pro for Mac
This is an attempt to create a patch that is able to automatically generate new patches.
Oscillator 2 is used for a pulse width modulation—which creates a strong ensemble component (for more information, see ES2 Crescendo Brass setting).
Oscillators 1 and 3 are set to an initial start wave combination within their respective Digiwave tables. You can modify these, if you wish, and start with a different combination of Digiwaves from the outset.
Modulation 3 “drives” the wavetables of all three oscillators, via the mod wheel. You can simultaneously scroll through the oscillator 1 and oscillator 3 wavetables, and change oscillator 2 pulse width—by moving the mod wheel.
Try a careful, very slow movement of the mod wheel, and you’ll hear drastic changes within the wave configuration. Each incremental position of the wheel offers a different digital pad sound. Avoid rapid movements, or this can sound like an AM radio.
Another potential modification procedure is hidden in the modulation intensity of the oscillator 1, 2, and 3 wave parameters. The value of this intensity parameter assigns both the step width and direction through the wavetables. You can try modifications to the amount using positive or negative values.
An interesting side-effect of FM assignment to Filter 2 (modulation routing 4—Lowpass Filter FM) occurs when the mod wheel is moved to higher positions: the frequency modulation of the filter is increased, causing all cyclical beats (vibrating pitches, detunes, pulse width) to be emphasized. This also adds a rough, “hissing” quality to the overall sound character. FM offers vast scope for experimentation, and you can decide between:
An initial FM, using Filter 2 FM parameter, which you can redraw (set a negative modulation amount for modulation routing 4 maximum) by moving the mod wheel to its top position.
Permanent FM (and another modulation setup, saved for a different assignment). You can also switch off FM, if you consider its effect too dirty-sounding.
Real-time control is via aftertouch for a vibrato (modulation routing 10) and also for a slight opening of the Cutoff to emphasize the modulation (modulation routing 9).