Aftertouch events in Logic Pro for Mac
Aftertouch events are generated by a mechanical pressure sensor beneath some MIDI keyboards. These events can be used to modulate the synthesizer sound. All note events on a particular MIDI channel are affected. This means that applying pressure to one note in a held chord affects all notes in the chord. You can create aftertouch events and other types of MIDI events in the Event List. For more information, see Create events in the Logic Pro Event List.

Aftertouch event parameters
Ch(annel): MIDI channel of an event from 1 to 16.
Num(ber): This column is unused, as aftertouch events have only one data byte.
Val(ue): Displays the amount of pressure on the keyboard (0 to 127).
Note: The format of displayed aftertouch values can be changed in the Display MIDI Data As pop-up menu. See General View settings.