Sculpture active envelope controls in Logic Pro for Mac
The following parameters are active only if the envelope is engaged (Mode buttons set to either Env or Ctrl+Env).
Envelope parameters
A-Time Velosens slider: Set velocity sensitivity for the attack phase of the envelope. Positive values reduce the attack time at lower velocities. Negative values reduce the attack time at higher velocities.
Timescale field: Scale the duration of the entire envelope between 10% (ten times faster) and 1000% (ten times slower). This also affects the appearance of the envelope curve displayed as it is shortened (sped up) or lengthened (slowed down).
Sustain mode pop-up menu: Choose the behavior of the envelope while a note is held. Choices are Sustain mode (default), Finish mode, and three loop modes—Loop Forward, Loop Backward, and Loop Alternate. See Loop Sculpture envelopes.
Sync and ms buttons: Select either a tempo-synced envelope with note value options, such as 1/8 or 1/4, or a free-running envelope (with segment times displayed in milliseconds).
Note: Switching between values forces a recalculation of times to the nearest note value or ms time, respectively, based on the current project tempo.
Compare button: Toggle between the original recording and the edited version.
Note: This is available as an option only if an envelope curve has actually been recorded and edited.
VariMod source and amount: Controls the strength of envelope variation with a user-defined modulation source (available only for recorded envelopes).
Source options include Off, Velocity Concave, Velocity, Velocity Convex, KeyScale, Ctrl A, and Ctrl B.
Variation in the envelopes means the deviation of a recorded envelope path from straight interconnecting lines between the points. After you record an envelope, you can reduce or exaggerate the amplitude-jitter (variation) of the recording by Command-dragging the curves between points down (to reduce) or up (to exaggerate).