Tracks View settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, Tracks View settings are available.

Show track or bar number while scrolling checkbox: When you select this, an overlay appears in the center of the Tracks area, showing the track number or bar number as you scroll. The track or bar number displayed depends on the direction in which you scroll:
Down: The highest visible track number is displayed.
Up: The lowest visible track number is displayed.
Right: The highest visible bar number is displayed.
Left: The lowest visible bar number is displayed.
The overlay includes a label below the number to indicate whether track or bar numbers are being displayed. In general, this overlay is most useful for projects with a very large number of tracks.
Track Color pop-up menu: Choose whether Logic Pro automatically assigns a static color to newly created tracks or automatically cycles through the Color palette when assigning colors to new tracks.
Static: Newly created tracks are not automatically assigned a new color. Tracks are created with the default color for that specific track type, or a previously manually assigned color from the Color palette. This is the default setting.
Auto-assign—24 Colors: When the first new track is created, it is assigned the leftmost (first) color in the Color palette from the same row as the color of the initially created track. Each subsequently created track is assigned the color from the next box to the right in the same row in the Color palette. In this mode, only 24 colors are used for automatic color assignment.
Auto-assign—96 Colors: When the first new track is created, it is assigned the leftmost (first) color in the Color palette from the next higher row as the color of the initially created track. If the initially created track is the top-right color, the first new track is assigned the first color of the lowest row of the Color palette. In this mode, all 96 colors are cycled through for automatic color assignment.
Region Color pop-up menu: Choose whether regions can be colored individually, or whether regions conform to the color of the track they are on.
The option As Track Color will deselect the “Automatically colorize takes” checkbox in the Recording project settings.
Marker Color pop-up menu: Choose whether Logic Pro automatically assigns a color to your newly created markers, and determine how it cycles through the Color palette when assigning colors.
Static: Newly created markers are not automatically assigned a new color. Markers are created with a dark gray color, or a previously manually assigned color from the Color palette. This is the default setting.
Auto-assign—24 Colors: When the first new marker is created, it is assigned the leftmost (first) color in the second row of the Color palette. Each subsequently created marker is assigned the color from the next box to the right in the same row in the Color palette. In this mode, only 24 colors are used for automatic color assignment.
Auto-assign—96 Colors: When the first new marker is created, it is assigned the leftmost (first) color in the Color palette from the first row of the Color palette. Each subsequently created marker is assigned the color from the next box to the right in the same row in the Color palette. In this mode, all 96 colors are cycled through for automatic color assignment.
Background pop-up menu: Choose whether the Tracks area uses a dark, light, or custom background. The Custom option displays an additional slider for finer adjustments.
Background slider: Adjust the Tracks area's background on a grayscale ranging from dark to light.
Grid Lines checkbox: If you select the Automatic checkbox, horizontal and vertical grid lines are displayed with a default grayscale value. When unselected, controls appear to adjust the color and visibility of the lines.
Horizontal slider: Adjust the visibility of the horizontal grid lines.
(Horizontal) Black checkbox: When selected, the horizontal grid lines are black; when unselected, they are white.
Vertical slider: Adjust the visibility of the vertical grid lines.
(Vertical) Black checkbox: When selected, the vertical grid lines are black; when unselected, they are white.
Shaded loops checkbox: Select to show looped sections of regions in the Tracks area in a shaded color. Otherwise, they reflect the full color of the original region.
Show “+” button next to Session Player regions: When you move the pointer over an empty track with its default region type set to Session Player, a “+” appears at the project start of that track or to the right of an existing Session Player region. Click to add a Session Player region.