Logic Pro for Mac patches overview
A patch contains the instrument, effects, Smart Controls, and routing settings that control the sound of a track. When you choose a patch, those settings are applied to the currently selected track. You can try a different sound for the track by choosing a different patch, as long as the patch is compatible with the track type.
You can choose a patch in the Library when you create a track, and choose a different patch at any time while you’re working. The patches displayed in the Library depend on the track type. For example, when you select an audio or software instrument track, patches for that track type are available. You can view all available patches for the track type, or view patches for a particular sound pack only.
Patches can include one or more channel strip settings, and can also contain routing information (auxes) and metadata (for Smart Controls and controller mapping). Patches for audio tracks can include default effects settings. Patches for software instrument tracks include an instrument plug-in as well as effects settings. Specially designed performance patches make it easy to play multiple instrument articulations. See Map performance patches.
You can edit patches by changing channel strip settings, adding plug-ins, or editing plug-in parameters, and save your own custom patches. You can also search for patches by name in the Library.
For track stacks, the patches available in the Library vary depending on the track stack type and on which track in the track stack is selected. For more information, see Track stacks and the Library.
Note: You can also choose presets, channel strip settings, and other items in the Library. If you have saved channel strip settings from a previous version of Logic Pro, they appear along with patches when the corresponding track type is selected.