Overview of chords in Logic Pro for Mac
You can use chords in a Logic Pro project, both on the global Chord track and on individual Session Player regions. You can add chords to the Chord track and have the Session Players follow them, playing in sync harmonically. When you edit the chords, the performances of the Session Players change to reflect your edits.

You can also add chords to individual Session Player regions so that a Session Player plays different chords from the ones on the Chord track. This allows the keyboard to play different chord extensions or scales from the bass, for example, or the bass to play a stepwise bass line using notes other than the roots of the chords.
The Chord track
In a Logic Pro project, you can access the Chord track in the global tracks. You can add chords to the Chord track and have all the Session Players in the project follow them, playing in sync with each other. You can add chord progressions to the Chord track, and create chord groups that you can copy or loop to reuse the same sequence of chords in different parts of the project.

Region chords
Session Player regions can contain region chords. You can add and edit region chords, and you can choose a chord progression for a Session Player region. You view and edit region chords in the Session Player Editor.
When a Session Player region contains region chords, it follows those region chords rather than the chords on the Chord track. You can also have a Session Player region follow the Chord track instead of its region chords. You can copy and paste chords between regions, paste chords from the Chord track to a region, and paste region chords to the Chord track.

Apple Loops and chords
Many Apple Loops also contain region chords, and many Apple Loops designed to be used together share compatible chords. When you add a loop containing chords to the Tracks area, you can choose to have the chords be copied to the Chord track so that they are followed by the Session Players in the project. See Add Apple Loops to your projects.