In Logic Pro, you add tracks to a project to hold your recordings, loops, and other material. You can add audio tracks or software instrument tracks to a project. Software instrument tracks have a default region type, which can be MIDI, pattern, or Session Player.
When you add a track, you choose the default region type (for software instrument tracks), format, input source (for audio tracks), and output in the New Tracks dialog. For software instrument tracks using a Session Player, you choose which player (Keyboard Player, Bass Player, or Drummer) to use.
You can create multiple tracks of the chosen type.
The options in the Details area of the New Tracks dialog vary depending on the type of track you are creating.
When you create a new track, a corresponding new channel strip is also created. The new track appears in the Tracks area, and the new channel strip appears in the Mixer.
In Logic Pro, click the Add Tracks button above the track headers.
Click the Audio button at the top of the New Tracks dialog.
To create an audio track for electric guitar or electric bass that uses amps and stompbox plug-ins, select Guitar or Bass, otherwise, select Mic or Line.
If the Details area of of the New Tracks dialog is closed, click the Details disclosure arrow to open it.
Choose the input channel or channels from the Audio Input pop-up menu.
Tip: The current input device is listed below the Audio Input pop-up menu and associated checkboxes. To change the input device, click the arrow next to the device name, then choose another device in the Audio Settings pane.
Choose the audio output and output channel (or channels) from the Audio Output pop-up menu. You can also search for an audio input or audio output, and select a matching item to add it.
Tip: The current output device is listed below the Audio Output pop-up menu and associated checkboxes. To change the output device, click the arrow next to the device name, then choose another device in the Audio Settings pane.
Do any of the following:
To include the default patch: Select the Load Default Patch checkbox.
Deselect the Load Default Patch checkbox if you want to add an empty track with no plug-ins.
To open the Library so you can choose a patch for the track: Select the Open Library checkbox.
To turn on input monitoring for the track: Select the Input Monitoring checkbox.
To enable the track for recording: Select the Record Enable checkbox.
To create multiple audio tracks: Select the number in the “Number of tracks to create” field, and enter a new number.
Click Create.
The new track appears in the Tracks area. If the Open Library checkbox is selected, the Library opens so you can choose a patch for the track. See Choose patches in the Library.
In Logic Pro, click the Add Tracks button above the track headers.
To select the default region type for the track, click the MIDI, Pattern, or Session Player button at the top of the New Tracks dialog.
Tip: When selecting MIDI or pattern as the default region type, make sure that Software Instrument is selected inside the button unless you are creating a track to use with external MIDI.
If the Details area of the New Tracks dialog is closed, click the Details disclosure arrow to open it.
Do one of the following:
For tracks with MIDI or pattern as the default region type: Choose an instrument plug-in from the Instrument pop-up menu.
Choose Empty Channel Strip if you want to create a track with no plug-ins.
For tracks with Session Player as the default region type: Choose the Session Player style from the Style pop-up menu.
If you don’t want the Session Player region on the new track to use the default progression, deselect the “Use Default Chord Progression for New Regions” checkbox.
Choose the audio output and output channel (or channels) from the Audio Output pop-up menu. You can also search for an audio output, and select a matching item to add it.
Tip: The current output device is listed below the Audio Output pop-up menu and associated checkboxes. To change the output device, click the arrow next to the device name, then choose another device in the Audio Settings pane.
Do any of the following:
To open the Library so you can choose a patch for the track: Select the Open Library checkbox.
To open the Editor so you can edit regions on the track: Select the Open Editor checkbox (for tracks with Session Player or Pattern as the default region type).
To set the number of multi-timbral parts for software instrument tracks: Select the Multi-timbral checkbox, then enter the number of multi-timbral or layer parts.
Multi-timbral refers to the number of different sounds a software instrument can play simultaneously.
To create multiple software instrument tracks: Select the number in the “Number of tracks to create” field, and enter a new number.
Click Create.
The new track appears in the Tracks area. If the Open Library checkbox is selected, the Library opens so you can choose a patch for the track. See Choose patches in the Library.
When you create a software instrument track with Session Player as the default region type, the track contains one 8-bar region. For more information about working with Session Players, see Session Player overview.
In Logic Pro, click the Add Tracks button above the track headers.
To select the default region type for the track, click either the MIDI or the Pattern button at the top of the New Tracks dialog.
Inside the button you selected (either MIDI or Pattern), select External MIDI.
If the Details area of the New Tracks dialog is closed, click the Details disclosure arrow to open it.
Choose the input channel or channels from the Audio Input pop-up menu.
Tip: The current input device is listed below the Audio Input pop-up menu. To change the input device, click the arrow next to the device name, then choose another device in the Audio Settings pane.
Choose the MIDI device and the MIDI channel on which the track sends MIDI data from the MIDI Destination pop-up menu, or choose Logic Pro Virtual Out.
Choose the audio output and output channel (or channels) from the Audio Output pop-up menu.
Tip: The current output device is listed below the Audio Output pop-up menu and associated checkboxes. To change the output device, click the arrow next to the device name, then choose another device in the Audio Settings pane.
Do any of the following:
To open the Library so you can choose a patch for the track: Select the Open Library checkbox.
Tip: Deselect the Open Library checkbox if you want to add an empty track with no plug-ins.
To set the number of multi-timbral parts for software instrument tracks: Select the Multi-timbral checkbox, then enter the number of multi-timbral or layer parts.
Multi-timbral refers to the number of different sounds a software instrument can play simultaneously.
To create multiple external MIDI tracks: Select the number in the “Number of tracks to create” field, and enter a new number.
Click Create.
The new track appears in the Tracks area. If the Open Library checkbox is selected, the Library opens so you can choose a patch for the track. See Choose patches in the Library.
Do one of the following:
To create an empty track of the same type as the focused track: Press and hold Shift-Option and click the Add Tracks button .
To create an empty track of the opposite type as the focused track: Press and hold Shift-Command and click the Add Tracks button .
In Logic Pro, Control-click the track header.
Choose a track type from the shortcut menu.
A new track of the chosen type, with default settings, is created below the selected track.
In Logic Pro, select a track of the same type (and, for software instrument tracks, the same default region type) as the one you want to create.
Double-click the empty area below the track headers.