Beat Breaker in Logic Pro for Mac
Beat Breaker is an audio plug-in that reorders incoming audio in real time, allowing you to slice up your audio, rearrange it, and add scratching effects. Not only can you use it to play back audio in a different slice order, but you can also set the speed, direction, and volume with a given number of repeats for each slice. All these slice playback features define patterns that you can change on the fly.
Beat Breaker is not just an effect you add to a track but an effect you can perform with onstage or in the studio. This unique plug-in excels at EDM and hip-hop, and it can help you overcome “writer’s block” during production. In addition, it’s great for coming up with new ideas for your beats and subsequent variations.
To add Beat Breaker to your project, choose Multi Effects > Beat Breaker in a channel strip Audio Effect plug-in menu. See Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins in Logic Pro for Mac.

When you open Beat Breaker, it displays the Main Editor, which consists of three sections:
The upper section contains the Edit Mode buttons, which you can use to select the types of effects you want to add to a slice. When you click a slice, its effect parameters become visible in the middle section, and you can drag them to change values. In addition, the upper section contains parameters such as Length, De-click, and Mix that you can use to fine-tune your pattern.
The middle section contains the input buffer on the left, which displays the incoming audio. In the center is the audio waveform, where you can use gestures on your trackpad or drag on slices to change the effect parameters. Above the audio waveform is the Slice Editor strip, where you can add, delete, and move slices using slice markers. See Create a Beat Breaker pattern.
The lower section contains the Pattern buttons for quickly switching between patterns and accessing the Pattern Slot menu, which you can use to load, save, and rename patterns in each pattern slot. See Work with pattern slots.