Control change events in Logic Pro for Mac
Control change events are used to transfer MIDI controller information (modulation, sustain, volume, and pan, for example) to software instruments or external MIDI keyboards and modules. You can create control change events and other types of MIDI events in the Event List. For more information, see Create events in the Logic Pro Event List.

Control change event parameters
Ch(annel): MIDI channel of an event from 1 to 16.
Num(ber): The number of the controller. Each MIDI controller (such as the modulation wheel or sustain pedal) is assigned a specific continuous controller (CC) number (CC#1 or CC#64, respectively). This can vary from device to device. Several controllers (apart from the two above) are defined in the same way by most manufacturers. These standardized controllers include volume (CC#7) and pan (CC#10).
Val(ue): Value of the controller. The values for control change events have a range of 0 to 127. The values for switch controllers (CC#64–CC#90) have two states: off (val = 0) and on (any value between 1 and 127).
Note: The format of displayed values for control change events can be changed in the Display MIDI Data As pop-up menu. See General View settings.
Length/Info: Shows the name of standardized controllers defined in the MIDI Specification.