Modifier in Logic Pro for Mac
The Modifier MIDI plug-in lets you quickly reassign or filter a single continuous controller (CC) or fader event. You can also scale or add to event values.

Modifier parameters
Input Thru button: Define whether or not the input event is sent to the output in addition to the reassignment.
Input Event pop-up menu: Choose or learn the type of MIDI input event that you want to reassign or filter.
Re-Assign To pop-up menu: Choose or learn the type of MIDI output event. You can also learn parameters for plug-ins in the same channel strip. If set to Off, the event type chosen in the Input pop-up menu is filtered.
Scale slider: Set the scaling amount for the output event type chosen in the Re-assign To pop-up menu.
Add slider: Set the offset amount for the output event type chosen in the Re-assign To pop-up menu.
Assign a MIDI event to a plug-in parameter
You can assign and send MIDI events to plug-ins in the same channel strip, allowing you to control parameters without using MIDI CC messages.
In Logic Pro, choose Learn Plug-in Parameter from the Re-Assign To pop-up menu.
Click the parameter in the target plug-in.
The name of the plug-in and parameter are shown in the Re-Assign To field.