You can create and edit track alternatives and switch between them. Each alternative can contain different regions or arrangements, while sharing the same channel strip and plug-ins. Track alternatives are like “playlists” for individual tracks that can be used to try out different ideas or archive tracks at different stages of development.
One track alternative is always active and plays when you play the project. You can switch between different alternatives to choose and edit the one you want to use.
By default, new track alternatives are named alphabetically (A, B, C, and so on) when you create them. You can rename track alternatives to follow a different organization, for example, or to use descriptive names.
You can use track alternatives to easily create comps (composite takes) by copying regions or selections from different track alternatives into a new, empty track alternative. You can also unpack takes to new track alternatives. For information about takes, see Record multiple audio takes and Record additional software instrument takes.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can show and use track alternatives.
In a Logic Pro track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose New from the shortcut menu.
A new, empty track alternative is added. The track name changes to show the name of the new alternative. By default only the active track alternative is visible.
Note: Any regions on the track when you create a new alternative are saved to the previous alternative.
In a Logic Pro track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose Duplicate from the shortcut menu.
A new, duplicate track alternative, containing copies of the regions in the alternative it was duplicated from, is added. The track name changes to show the name of the new alternative.
In a Logic Pro track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose a different track alternative from the list at the top of the shortcut menu.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Double-click the existing name, then type a new name.
In the track header, click the Track Alternatives button , choose Rename from the shortcut menu, then type a new name.
In the track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose Rename by Region.
In a Logic Pro track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose Show Inactive from the shortcut menu.
Inactive track alternatives appear below the active one. Inactive alternatives (when visible) can be edited like normal tracks: regions can be copied, moved, or deleted, and so on.
Note: When you are working on grouped tracks with alternatives, the Track Alternatives checkbox in the Group Settings must be selected (on).
In Logic Pro, click the On/Off button in the track header for the inactive alternative. The alternative will be audible when you play the project, in place of the active alternative.
In Logic Pro, click the upward-pointing arrow in the track header for the inactive alternative. The alternative will be exchanged with the active alternative (which becomes inactive).
In Logic Pro, select the regions you want to move or copy (on any inactive alternative).
Do one of the following:
To move regions to the active alternative: Use the Move Selected Regions to Selected Track key command.
To copy regions to the active alternative: Use the Copy Selected Regions to Selected Track key command.
In a Logic Pro track header, click the Track Alternatives button , then choose Delete Inactive from the shortcut menu.
All track alternatives other than the active one are deleted, including any regions they contain.
Logic Pro can also create track alternatives automatically for overlapping recordings. For information, see Recording settings.