Controller assignments Expert view Value parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
The parameters in this section control different aspects of incoming MIDI message values.
Value parameters
Min and Max fields: Enter an integer value to set the minimum and maximum range for incoming values represented by Lo7 and Hi7. Typically, the minimum defaults to 0, and the maximum defaults to 127. Some control surfaces (such as CM Labs Motor Mix) may use the same message, with different value ranges, for different controls. For more specific information, refer to the documentation that came with your device.
Format pop-up menu: Choose the encoding format for negative values in the 7-bit portions sent over MIDI. The choices are:
Unsigned: No negative values are possible. The full 7- or 14-bit range is treated as a positive number. The value range is 0 to 127 (7 bit) or 0 to 16383 (14 bit).
2’s complement: If the most significant bit is set, the value is negative. To obtain the absolute value, invert all bits and add 1. The value range is from –128 (7 bit) to 127 or –8192 to 8191 (14 bit).
1’s complement: If the most significant bit is set, the value is negative. To set the absolute value, invert all bits. Note that this allows two possible encoding values for zero. The value range is –127 to 127 (7 bit) or –8191 to 8191 (14 bit).
Sign Magnitude: If the most significant bit is set, the value is negative. To set the absolute value, clear the most significant bit. Note that this allows two possible encoding values for zero. The value range is –127 to 127 (7 bit) or –8191 to 8191 (14 bit).
Note: The appropriate format for a device is usually specified in its documentation. If unavailable, check the control surface manufacturer’s website or contact them for more information.
Multiply field: Enter a value which is used to scale incoming MIDI values. This is useful for button presses that have a value of 1. For example:
To set the automation mode to Write: Set Multiply to 4.00, and Mode to Direct.
To decrement a parameter by 1 with a button press: Set Multiply to –1.00, and Mode to Relative.
Mode pop-up menu: Choose the mode used by incoming values to modify the current parameter value. The choices are:
Direct: The incoming value is used as the parameter value.
Toggle: If the parameter’s current value is 0, it is set to the incoming value. All other values set the parameter value to 0. This option is useful for buttons that toggle a value, such as Mute or Solo.
Scaled: The incoming value is scaled from its value range to the destination parameter’s value range. This is useful for faders and rotary encoders.
Relative: The incoming value is added to the parameter’s current value. This is commonly used for encoders but is also useful for buttons that increment or decrement by a certain amount—specified by the Multiply parameter.
Rotate: The incoming value is added to the parameter’s current value, cycling between maximum and minimum values. This is useful for button presses that cycle between modes, such as automation mode.
X-OR: The value defines a bit mask (a filter), which is applied to the parameter’s current value with the “exclusive or” Boolean operation. This is useful for enabling or disabling single channel strip types in All view.
Note: For On/Off parameters, Mode is set to Toggle by default. It is set to Scaled for absolute controls (faders and knobs, for example) or to Relative for encoders.
Feedback pop-up menu: Choose the display format used for the parameter value shown on the control surface display, if applicable. The choices are:
None: No feedback is sent.
Single Dot/Line: LED rings: only one LED; LCDs: a single vertical line.
Left to Right Bar: A bar from the minimum to the current value.
Bar from Center: A bar from the center position to the current value.
Right to Left Bar: A bar from the current value to the maximum.
Q/Spread: Two equal bars from the center to the current value.
Ascending Bar: A bar from the bottom to the current value.
Descending Bar: A bar from the top to the current value.
Text Only: LED rings: no feedback; LCDs: no feedback as a graphics element.
Automatic: Depending on the currently assigned parameter, the most suitable feedback mode is used: Plug-in and Instrument parameters carry this information, Pan displays a single dot or line (Single Dot/Line), and all other parameters display a bar that runs from left to right (Left to Right Bar).
Note: Feedback works for directly supported control surfaces, but not all settings are available for all controls. Feedback also works for Lua script supported devices that provide a CoreMIDI input port. In this case, Lua script MIDI feedback processing is used, including optional label and value text feedback. For Lua script supported devices that provide both a CoreMIDI input and output port, the input message is sent to the out port, with the value scaled to 0-127 as an absolute value. “Learned” controller and Smart Controls assignments are automatically enabled to provide feedback. It should be noted that feedback is not possible on IAC.
Text Feedback checkbox: Turn on to send a text representation of the current value to the control surface display. The control surface display capabilities determine the display position and number of characters used.
Local Feedback (Fader/Knob) checkbox: Turn on to stop feedback while the parameter is in Touch mode. This prevents motorized faders from fighting against user movements.
Key Repeat checkbox: Turn on to repeatedly execute the assignment at the rate set by the Key Repeat slider in macOS Keyboard settings. The duration the button must be held for before the assignment is repeated is set with the Delay Until Repeat slider in Keyboard settings.
Key Repeat is useful for the zoom function. For example, if you assign a Key Repeat command to the Mackie Control Zoom buttons, holding the Zoom In button will continuously zoom in the Logic Pro window until the button is released. The alternative is to repeatedly press the Mackie Control Zoom buttons to zoom in or out more than one level.
Note: The Key Repeat checkbox is available only for key command, key presses, and relative value changes. If any other assignment class is selected, the checkbox is dimmed.
The default key command assignments support the Key Repeat function if useful or applicable to the control surface or device, making changes unnecessary to use this function. If you want to enable the Key Repeat function for your own assignments, you may need to use the re-learn option for the assigned message. Key Repeat messages must include the Lo7 byte, which provides information on the up (released) or down (pressed) state of the assigned button. Logic Pro for Mac guides you through the re-learning process. The current MIDI message is automatically cleared, Learn mode is activated, and a help tag prompts you to send the required MIDI message. Releasing the assigned button—after learning the MIDI message—automatically creates the Lo7 byte, and assigns the Lo7 value (for the button release message) to the Min parameter. The Lo7 value for the button pressed message is automatically assigned to the Max parameter. Typically, the value range of 1 to 127 is used for the button pressed message. The zero (0) value is generally used for the button release message.
Note: Some control surfaces, such as CM Labs Motormix, may use different value ranges. Assigning appropriate Min and Max values ensures that the Key Repeat function works with such devices. Take care when manually changing the Min or Max value for a key command because the complete assignment does not work in cases where the Min and Max values do not match the button pressed (on) and button released (off) states. Consult your control surface manual for further information about the values it uses.