Key commands for Step Sequencer in Logic Pro for Mac
The following table reflects default key commands included in the U.S. default preset.
Function | Key command |
Show/Hide Pattern Browser | Option-Shift-B |
Repeat Step | Command-R |
Copy Row | Control-C |
Paste Row | Control-V |
Paste Steps | Option-Shift-V |
Paste Row Settings | Control-Option-Shift-V |
Paste to New Row | Control-Shift-V |
Duplicate Row with Next Assignment | Command-D |
Delete Row | Command-Delete |
Delete Unused Rows | Shift-Command-Delete |
Clear Step | Control-Delete |
Clear Row | Control-Command-Delete |
Clear Pattern | Control-Shift-Command-Delete |
Learn (Add) | Option-Command-L |
Store as Default Pattern Template | Control-Option-Command-D |
Revert to Default Pattern Template | Control-Option-Shift-D |
Transpose +1 Semitone | Option-Up Arrow |
Transpose -1 Semitone | Option-Down Arrow |
Transpose +1 Octave | Option-Shift-Up Arrow |
Transpose -1 Octave | Option-Shift-Down Arrow |
Clear Current Edit Mode Values for Row | Option-Command-Delete |
Clear Current Edit Mode Values for All Rows | Control-Option-Command-Delete |
Randomize Current Edit Mode Values for Row | Option-Command-R |
Randomize Current Edit Mode Values for All Rows | Shift-Command-R |
Select Step Above | Up Arrow |
Select Step Below | Down Arrow |
Select Previous Step | Left Arrow |
Select Next Step | Right Arrow |
Live Record | Shift-R |
Mono Mode | Control-Shift-Command-M |
Rename Row | Shift-Return |
Select Next Pattern Page | Option-Grave Accent (`) |
Save Pattern | Shift-Command-P |
Save Template | Shift-Command-T |
Set Pattern Playback Mode to Forward | Control-Option-Right Bracket (]) |
Set Pattern Playback Mode to Reverse | Control-Option-Left Bracket ([) |
Set Pattern Playback Mode to Ping Pong | Control-Option-P |
Set Pattern Playback Mode to Random | Control-Option-Backslash (\) |
Pattern Rotate Right | Control-Option-Command-Right Arrow |
Pattern Rotate Left | Control-Option-Command-Left Arrow |
Solo Row | Control-Shift-S |
Mute Row | Control-Shift-M |
Set Row Playback Mode to Forward | Control-Right Bracket (]) |
Set Row Playback Mode to Reverse | Control-Left Bracket ([) |
Set Row Playback Mode to Ping Pong | Control-P |
Set Row Playback Mode to Random | Control-Backslash (\) |
Rotate Row Right | Option-Command-Right Arrow |
Rotate Row Left | Option-Command-Left Arrow |
Rotate Values for Current Edit Mode Right | Option-Shift-Right Arrow |
Rotate Values for Current Edit Mode Left | Option-Shift-Left Arrow |
Increment Loop Start for Row | Control-Option-Equal Sign (=) |
Decrement Loop Start for Row | Control-Option-Hyphen (-) |
Increment Loop End for Row | Option-Command-Equal Sign (=) |
Decrement Loop End for Row | Option-Command-Hyphen (-) |
Show Subrows for Row | Control-Command-Right Arrow |
Hide Subrows for Row | Control-Command-Left Arrow |
Show Subrows for All Rows | Control-Shift-Command-Right Arrow |
Hide Subrows for All Rows | Control-Shift-Command-Left Arrow |
Toggle Selected Step | Apostrophe (’) |
Set Global Edit Mode to Steps On/Off | Control-Option-S |
Set Global Edit Mode to Velocity/Value | Control-Option-V |
Set Global Edit Mode to Gate | Control-Option-G |
Set Global Edit Mode to Tie | Control-Option-T |
Set Global Edit Mode to Note | Control-Option-N |
Set Global Edit Mode to Octave | Control-Option-O |
Set Global Edit Mode to Loop Start/End | Control-Option-L |
Set Global Edit Mode to Note Repeat | Control-Option-R |
Set Global Edit Mode to Chance | Control-Option-C |
Set Global Edit Mode to Start Offset | Control-Option-F |
Set Global Edit Mode to Step Rate | Control-Option-A |
Set Global Edit Mode to Skip | Control-Option-K |
Increment Pattern Step Rate | Control-Shift-Equal Sign (=) |
Decrement Pattern Step Rate | Control-Shift-Hyphen (-) |
Increment Row Step Rate | Control-Equal Sign (=) |
Decrement Row Step Rate | Control-Hyphen (-) |