Logic Pro for Mac audio region parameters
The following parameters are available for audio regions in the Region inspector.
Mute: Select to mute individual regions in the Tracks area to exclude them from playback.
Loop: The playback of regions can be continuously repeated by selecting the Loop checkbox, or by using the Loop tool. (See Loop regions.)
Quantize: All note events contained in the region are time corrected to the (quantize) grid format chosen in the pop-up menu. For information on choosing the Quantize parameter value, see Quantize parameter values.
Note: There are two types of region quantization: Classic Quantize and Smart Quantize. You select the type by clicking the Quantize label in the Region inspector. For information, see MIDI quantization types.
Q-Swing: This percentage value alters the position of every second point in the current quantization grid. Values over 50% delay the beats, and values under 50% pre-delay them. The most practical settings fall between 50% and 75%, imparting a swing feel to strictly quantized (or tightly played) audio or MIDI regions. For information about Q-Swing and other advanced quantization parameters, see Advanced quantization parameters.
Transpose pop-up menu: You can transpose the selected audio region or regions by doing one of the following:
Place the pointer to the right of the word Transpose, then drag up or down to transpose in semitones.
Double-click the Transpose field, then type the number of semitones to transpose the region. Use a hyphen (-) before the number to transpose down.
Click the Transpose menu (indicated by up and down arrows), then choose the value to transpose in octaves.
Fine Tune: Choose the pitch offset for the region in cents. Double-click and enter an offset, or click the arrows, then choose an offset (in increments of +/- 10).
Pitch Source: For audio Apple Loops, this determines whether the region changes pitch based on the project key or subsequent key changes. The options are: Off (default) and Key Signature.
Note: For audio regions, the Pitch Source parameter is not editable.
For more information about using the Pitch Source parameter, see Control transposition with the Pitch Source parameter.
Flex & Follow: Choose whether the region follows the project tempo, whether it is flexed, and at what resolution. For more information, see Choose the Flex & Follow setting.
Gain: Adjust the volume of individual audio regions by a specified amount. Double-click and enter the gain amount (in dB).
You can access additional parameters by clicking the More disclosure arrow in the Region inspector:
Delay: You can delay the playback of regions using positive values (or advance the playback using negative values) by ticks or by milliseconds. (For more information, see Delay region playback.)
Fade In/Speed Up: Use to switch between Fade In and Speed Up parameters, where you apply fade values for volume and playback, respectively.
Curve: Adjusts the fade-in curve shape.
Fade Out/Slow Down: Use to switch between Fade Out and Slow Down parameters, where you apply fade values for volume and playback, respectively.
Curve: Adjusts the fade-out curve shape.
Transposition: Adjusts the pitch of the Apple Loops up or down by the chosen amount.
Reverse: Use to have the region play in reverse. The Reverse parameter is not available for regions in tracks with Flex Time activated.
Speed: Adjusts the playback speed to the chosen multiple of the original speed. Available only for audio Apple Loops.
Q-Range: Defines which notes are quantized based on their proximity to quantization grid positions. At the default value of 0, every note is quantized. At positive Q-Range values, only notes outside the set range (that is, farther away from the grid position) are quantized, and notes in the range keep their original position. At negative Q-Range values, only notes in the set range are quantized, and notes outside the range remain unchanged. The amount by which notes shift toward the grid positions depends on the Q-Strength setting.
For example, with Q-Range set to 20 ticks and Q-Strength to 50%, only notes that are more than 20 ticks off are quantized. Those notes are quantized by 50%, which improves the timing without making the performance sound mechanical.
Q-Strength: This percentage value determines how far a note is shifted toward the nearest grid position. 100% results in full quantization; 0% leaves the note at its recorded position.
Some audio region parameters are different for standard audio regions than for Apple Loops. The Fade and Gain parameters are available for standard audio regions but not for Apple Loops, and the Transposition and Follow Tempo parameters are available for Apple Loops and untagged loops, but not for standard audio regions.