Select regions in the Tracks area in Logic Pro for Mac
To perform some edits on regions, you must first select the regions. You can select one or multiple regions, select regions on different tracks, and quickly select muted regions, overlapped regions, or regions meeting other criteria. Once selected, regions appear highlighted in the Tracks area.
In Logic Pro, click the region in the Tracks area.
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Press and hold Shift as you click the regions in the Tracks area.
Drag around the regions to enclose them.
In Logic Pro, click the track header.
In Logic Pro, choose Edit > Select > All from the Tracks area menu bar.
In Logic Pro, choose any of the following from the Tracks area Edit menu:
To select all following regions in the project: Choose Select All Following.
To select all following regions on the same track: Choose Select All Following of Same Track.
To select all regions between the left and right locators: Choose Select Inside Locators.
To select all empty regions in the project: Choose Select Empty Regions.
To select all overlapped regions: Choose Select Overlapped Regions.
To select all muted regions in the project: Choose Select Muted Regions.
To select all regions of the same color: Choose Select Same-Colored Regions.
You can set whether selecting a track selects all regions in the track in Editing General settings. If you do not want all regions on the track to be selected when you select the track, deselect the “Select regions on track selection” checkbox.