Use text styles in a score in Logic Pro for Mac
You control the appearance of text in the Score Editor using text styles. A text style contains a set of text attributes, such as font, size, and style, which you can apply to text objects. You can also create your own text styles, and import them from other Logic Pro for Mac projects.
You apply, edit, and create text styles in the Text Styles window, which lists all the text styles in the current project. Default text styles appear at the top of the list, followed by user-created text styles. Each line shows the name and an example of the text style. Double-clicking the Example line opens the Font window, where you can edit both the default and user text styles. Any fonts installed on your system can be used.
User text styles are saved with the project file, allowing them to be different for each project.
The default text styles have been designed for specific text elements, and are automatically assigned when inserted.
Plain Text: The default setting for regular text.
Page Numbers, Bar Numbers, Instrument Names: Used for automatic page and bar numbering, and display of instrument names (see Numbers & Names project settings). These styles can also be edited in File > Project Settings > Score > Numbers & Names. Changes in either window automatically update the settings in the other window, and affect the entire project.
Tuplets: Used for triplet and other tuplet numbers.
Repeat Endings: Used for anything written into the repeat ending boxes (usually just numbers, but text can also be entered).
Chord Root, Chord Extension: Used for the display of chord symbols. The Root covers the root and (optional) extra bass note in chord symbols. The Chord Extension is used for everything else.
Multiple Rests: Used for the number above multiple rests.
Tablature: Used for the display of fret numbers in guitar tablature.
Tempo Symbols: Used for the display of numbers in tempo symbols.
Octave Symbols: Used for the display of octave symbols.
Note Heads: Used for the display of note heads.
Guitar Grid Fingerings: Used for the display of guitar grid fingerings.
Guitar Markings: Used for the display of guitar markings.
Fingerings: Used for the display of fingering markings.