Delay Designer master parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
The Master section incorporates two global functions: delay feedback and dry/wet mix.
In simple delays, the only way for the delay to repeat is to use feedback. Because Delay Designer offers 26 taps, you can use these taps to create repeats, rather than requiring discrete feedback controls for each tap.
The global Feedback parameter does, however, enable you to send the output of one user-defined tap back through the effect input, to create a self-sustaining rhythm or pattern. This tap is known as the feedback tap.

Master parameters
Feedback button: Turn the feedback tap on or off.
Feedback Tap pop-up menu: Choose a tap as the feedback tap.
Feedback Level knob and field: Set the feedback tap output level before it is routed back into the input.
A value of 0% equals no feedback.
A value of 100% sends the feedback tap back into the input at full volume.
Note: If Feedback is enabled and you begin creating taps with the Tap pads, Feedback is automatically turned off. When you stop creating taps with the Tap pads, Feedback is automatically re-enabled.
Mix sliders: Independently set the levels of the dry input signal and the post-processing wet signal.