Arpeggiator control parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
The control parameters start and stop the Arpeggiator and determine the latching behavior. You can also capture a live arpeggio as a MIDI region.

Control parameters
Play button: Start or stop arpeggiated playback of note input from a MIDI keyboard or a MIDI region. The Play button is highlighted when in play mode. When the Arpeggiator plug-in is stopped, incoming MIDI notes are passed through, and the settings of the split and remote keyboard parameters are retained. See Arpeggiator MIDI plug-in keyboard parameters.
When the host application is in play mode: The arpeggio starts playing whenever the Arpeggiator Play button is on, including when the plug-in is first inserted. Arpeggio playback is linked to the Logic song position.
When the host application is stopped: Arpeggio playback stops. Incoming MIDI notes are passed through, and keyboard split and remote settings are retained.
Note: You can click the Arpeggiator Play button while Logic Pro is stopped to begin arpeggio playback from the first step in the arpeggio.
Capture live performance buttons: Click, then drag the top button to copy source notes to any instrument track. Drag the lower button to copy the playing arpeggio. The played notes or currently playing arpeggio pattern is placed as a MIDI region at the target position.
Latch button: Turn Latch mode on or off. This allows an arpeggio to run without you holding down keys. Latch mode behavior is determined with the Latch mode pop-up menu.
Latch mode pop-up menu: Choose a Latch mode.
Reset: The first key played clears the currently latched notes.
Transpose: Play a single key to transpose the arpeggio relative to the note value of the pressed key and the lowest arpeggiated note.
Note: Pressing more than one key simultaneously clears currently latched notes and starts a new arpeggio.
Gated Transpose: This option is the same as Transpose Latch mode with the difference that the arpeggio only plays while a key is pressed. As soon as the key is released, the arpeggio is muted.
Add: Play keys—one by one, or simultaneously as a chord—to add them to the latched arpeggio. You can play the same key multiple times and the note repeats the number of times it is struck.
Add Temporarily: This option is the same as Add Latch mode except that played notes are added to the latched arpeggio only while held. When a temporarily added key is released, it is removed from the arpeggio.
Through: All incoming MIDI notes are passed through the Arpeggiator plug-in, enabling you to play along with a latched arpeggio.
Delete Last button: Delete the last note, rest, or tie that was added to the arpeggio.
Note: Each event is allocated a unique position identification number and the “last” event has the highest position identification number.
Clear button: Remove all notes from the Arpeggiator plug-in latch memory. The arpeggio stops playing and all position identification numbers are reset to zero, enabling you to create a new arpeggio without turning off Latch mode, which can be useful in a live situation when preparing for a chord change.
Silent Capture checkbox (extended parameter): Click the disclosure arrow at the lower left to display the extended parameters. Select to capture an arpeggio step by step without being disturbed by the immediate response of the running arpeggiator.
When enabled, the arpeggiator is stopped and Latch/Add mode is engaged.
When disabled, Play is re-engaged (if previously active) and Latch mode switches to Transpose.