Automatic assignment for USB MIDI controllers in Logic Pro for Mac
Logic Pro for Mac supports automatic assignment of hardware controls for a variety of USB MIDI controllers. This is achieved through use of Lua scripts. Devices supported by Lua scripts appear in the Control Surfaces Setup window and the Install window.
When a supported USB MIDI controller is connected, the knobs, sliders, and other hardware controls are automatically assigned to Smart Controls and other Logic Pro functions.
Switches (buttons) are assigned to onscreen buttons and key commands. As examples, hardware buttons for common transport functions (including Play, Stop, Pause, Record, and Cycle), marker functions (including Previous Marker, Next Marker, and Add Marker), and other functions are assigned to the corresponding key commands for these functions.
Knobs are assigned to knob screen controls. If the device is equipped only with faders, onscreen knob controls are assigned to faders.
Faders are assigned to fader screen controls (or knob screen controls if the device only has faders), with the following exception: when the controller has only one fader, labeled Volume, that fader is assigned to mixer volume for the selected channel strip.
Assignments created by Lua scripts are created within a separate top level, modeless, zone that is named after the device. These assignments are always active and interact with Control Surface Group 1. See Use controller assignments zones and modes for further information.
Important: Some USB MIDI controllers, such as those from Arturia, use MIDI Machine Control (MMC) commands for Transport button functions. If using a device of this type, enable the Listen to MMC checkbox in the File > Project Settings > Synchronization > MIDI pane. For more information see MIDI Synchronization project settings.
Enable a USB MIDI controller for automatic assignment
The first time you connect a Lua script supported USB MIDI controller to Logic Pro a dialog appears, asking if you want to use the device as a control surface.
Click Auto Assign to automatically assign the controls on the device to Smart Controls and other Logic Pro functions.
Click No to use the device as a MIDI controller without automatic assignment.
You can change the setting for each connected device in Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Settings > MIDI Controllers. For more information, see MIDI Controllers settings.