What’s new in Logic Pro 10.7
Refreshed interface
Logic Pro has a refreshed, colorful interface aligned with the macOS Big Sur and Monterey system interface changes. You can now choose to view Logic Pro settings, system dialogs, and other system-related windows in the Light appearance or Dark Mode, independent of the system setting. See Display General settings.
Spatial Audio mixing with Dolby Atmos
You can now create and export spatial audio mixes for surround systems and devices that support Dolby Atmos. Spatial audio lets audio signals be interpreted as objects in 3D space. You can position and move these objects, making individual sounds seem like they are coming from any direction around the listener. During playback on a Dolby Atmos compatible system or device, the information describing the position and movement of each object is rendered in real time, providing a reliable reproduction of the intended mix. You can export your project as an ADM BWF file, the format required to submit a Dolby Atmos mix to Apple Music. See Surround and spatial audio overview.
Step Sequencer enhancements
Step Sequencer features a variety of enhancements for creating and playing patterns: You can record patterns in real time with Live Pattern Recording, and can also record MIDI input step-by-step using Step Recording. When using Step Sequencer with Drum Machine Designer patches, changing the note or octave step values now transposes the pad kit piece for the row rather than triggering a different pad. You can split a pattern region with a Drum Machine Designer patch into multiple pattern regions, one for each row assigned to a kit piece. You can constrain step entry to a single row in Mono mode, use the Legato function to ensure smooth playback, add custom row names, and assign note input to existing rows when using the Learn function. You can also convert MIDI regions to pattern regions and convert pattern regions to MIDI regions in the Tracks area. See Overview of Step Sequencer.
New Sound Library content and ability to filter by sound pack
Logic Pro 10.7 includes eleven new sound packs featuring a variety of genres, and including content from some of the world’s top producers. You can download the new sound packs from the Sound Packs and Producer Packs sections of the Sound Library Manager. In the Library, you can now browse patches for a particular sound pack or Producer pack. See View patches for a particular sound pack.
The new sound packs include the following:
Sound Packs: Alpha Waves (Modern Ambient), Backlight Bounce (Slap House), and Ultimate 808s.
Producer Packs: Boys Noize, Mark Lettieri, Oak Felder, Soulection, Take a Daytrip, Tom Misch, TRAKGIRL, and Watch the Sound With Mark Ronson.
In addition, Logic Pro 10.7 includes new surround content such as a Surround Live Loops grid and ES2, Sculpture, and Delay Designer presets.
New Step Sequencer pattern loops have been added to the Apple Loops > Step Sequencer content pack in the Sound Library.
MIDI input port and channel filtering per track
In the Track inspector, you can now choose a particular MIDI In port or channel for each software instrument or external MIDI track. This allows you to assign multiple MIDI devices, for example two keyboards, to different tracks and then record your performances simultaneously. You can also use hardware sequencers to play multiple software instruments, while keeping your MIDI keyboard free for other tasks. See Edit track parameters and Record multiple MIDI devices to multiple tracks.
Use Logic Pro in Complete mode or Simplified mode
You can choose to use the full set of Logic Pro features for a complete music production system, or work in a simplified mode that streamlines tools and menus to provide you with a core set of features. GarageBand users and others new to Logic Pro can start working with a basic feature set and familiar interface, and enable the complete feature set at any time. See Use the complete set of Logic Pro features.
Miscellaneous enhancements
In the Loop Browser, the Key column of the results list now displays whether an Apple Loop is in the major or minor mode, in addition to the key.
For working with plug-in delay compensation, Low Latency mode is now renamed to Low Latency Monitoring to more precisely describe its function. See Work with plug-in latencies.
In the Mixer, when a plug-in has a side chain source, the channel strip includes an indicator after the name in the plug-in slot. See Work in the plug-in window.
Pedalboard can now be inserted as either a stereo or a dual mono instance. The difference is visible in the Router busses. See Use the Pedalboard Router.