Use the Sampler Mod Matrix in Logic Pro for Mac
You can use the Mod Matrix pane to route any modulation Source to any modulation Target—much like the connections made in an old-fashioned telephone exchange or a studio patch bay. If you’re new to synthesizer modulation routings, see Modulation basics.
You can use up to twenty modulation routings of Source, Via, and Target—arranged in horizontal rows—simultaneously. You can select the same target in several parallel modulation routings, and you can also use the same Sources and the same Via controllers in multiple modulation routings of different Targets.
You can set the modulation intensity—how strongly the target parameter is influenced by the source parameter—with the Amount slider to the right of the modulation routing Source and Target.
The intensity of the modulation can itself be modulated: The Via parameter defines a further modulation source, which you can use to control the modulation intensity. When Via is active, you can specify upper and lower limits for the modulation intensity. See Use Sampler via sources.
Details on available Sources, Targets, and Via sources are found in Sampler modulation Sources, Sampler modulation Targets, and Sampler modulation Via sources.

Mod Matrix parameters
Double-click a parameter value field to enter in a new value. Press Return to complete the operation.
Filter On/Off button: Turn on the Mod Matrix view filter to restrict the display of modulation routings to match the criteria set in the Filter pop-up menu.
Note: This is a visual filter only. It does not remove or disable non-matching modulation routings.
Filter pop-up menu: Choose a filter criteria to limit the display of modulation routings. Only routings that match this criteria are shown when the (view) Filter button is active.
Filter by Source/Via: Only routings that contain the matching Source or Via source are shown.
Filter by Target: Only routings that contain the matching Target are shown.
Always select last clicked: The filter criteria is automatically set to show only routings that contain the matching Source, Via source, or Target of the most recently clicked parameter.
Note: Only parameters that can be selected as Sources, Via sources, or Targets in the Mod Matrix pane can be clicked.
-/+ buttons: Delete or add a modulation routing.
Column sort buttons: Use to alphabetically sort all visible Source, Target, or Via routings. Click again to reverse the sort order.
On/Off button: Turn on the modulation routing, or turn off to disable (bypass) it, without losing settings.
Source pop-up menu: Choose the parameter you want to use as the modulator of the Target parameter.
Inv button: Invert the effect of the modulation Source. A negative value becomes positive, and vice versa.
Target pop-up menu: Choose the parameter you want to modulate.
(Max) Amount parameter: Drag to set the maximum modulation intensity when a Via source is active.
(Min) Amount parameter: Set the modulation intensity. When a Via source is active, this field sets the minimum modulation intensity with the Via controller set to its minimum value.
Amount parameter: Drag to set the modulation intensity. Drag either handle when a Via source is active. Drag the area between handles to move both.
Via pop-up menu: Via defines a further modulation source, which is used to control the modulation intensity. See Use Via sources in Sampler.
Inv button: Invert the effect of the Via modulation source. A negative value becomes positive, and vice versa.
The following tasks apply to all modulation routings.