Get started with Session Players in Logic Pro for Mac
Using the Session Players, you can add a virtual Bass Player, Keyboard Player, and Drummer to your project. The Session Players feature a wide range of musical styles. Each style comes with its own patch. You can choose a Session Player preset, choose a predefined rhythmic pattern or make your own pattern, edit settings to adjust the performance, and choose other patches from the Library.
To work with the Session Players, you add a software instrument track with a Session Player as the default region type or add a Session Player region on any software instrument track. You edit the region parameters in the Session Player Editor.
In Logic Pro, click the Add Tracks button above the track headers.
In the New Tracks dialog, click Drummer, Bass Player, or Keyboard Player.
Click Create.
A software instrument track is added, along with one 8-bar region, and the default patch for the Session Player is loaded on the track.
In Logic Pro, select a Session Player region in the Tracks area.
In the Session Player Editor, click the Session Player button.
Choose a new style from the Session Player dialog.
Each Session Player style includes a variety of presets, which appear in the Preset pop-up menu on the left side of the Session Player Editor.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, click the Preset pop-up menu and choose a preset.
A preset consists of a number of region settings that are visible in the Session Player Editor.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, drag the Complexity slider or Intensity slider to adjust the performance.
In the Logic Pro Session Player Editor, click the Patterns button to open the Patterns dialog, then choose a rhythmic pattern for the Session Player to follow.
Note: Drummer features multiple Patterns buttons that allow you to choose different patterns for the various kit pieces.
Any changes or selections you make in the Session Player Editor affect only the selected region, not the entire track. For more information about using Session Players in your projects, see Session Player overview.