Overview of the Logic Pro for Mac Audio File Editor
Most day-to-day audio editing tasks in Logic Pro for Mac are performed on audio regions in the main window and Audio Track Editor. Using the Audio File Editor, which displays the audio waveform of regions, you can make changes directly to audio files themselves.
The Audio File Editor is available when Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced.
To start editing and processing audio in the Audio File Editor, select an area within the waveform display. To refine your selection, you can use key commands to navigate the audio file, zoom in and out, and play and scrub the audio.
You can change the display settings in order to:
Set the ruler time scale to display samples, minutes and seconds, SMPTE time, or bars and beats.
Set the amplitude scale as percentage units or sample units.
Once you have made a selection, you can use standard Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete commands on the selected area, or you can do the following:
Additionally, you can use the Audio File Editor to edit transients. The first time you enable a track for Flex Time editing, Logic Pro analyzes the audio on the track and marks the transients it detects in the file. You can use transient markers to select audio for editing and processing.
Important: Most edits and functions performed in the Audio File Editor are destructive, permanently altering the original audio file. Although you can undo edits and processing commands, you should work with copies of your audio files, rather than the originals.
Open the Audio File Editor
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Double-click an audio region, then click the File button at the top of the Editors pane.
Select an audio region in the main window, click the Editors button
in the control bar, then click the File button at the top of the Editors pane.
Select an audio region in the main window, then choose Window > Open Audio File Editor (or use the Open Audio File Editor key command, default assignment: Command-6).
The Audio File Editor opens in a separate window.
Option-double-click an audio region in the Project Audio Browser.