Sculpture delay effect overview in Logic Pro for Mac
This is a (project) tempo-syncable stereo or true surround delay. It can also run freely (unsynchronized). The Delay section features all the general delay parameters you’d expect from a delay plus the Groove (delay timing) Pad.

Sculpture Delay effect parameters
Delay On/Off button: Turn the Delay effect on or off.
Wet Level knob: Set the Delay output level.
Feedback knob: Set the amount of delay signal that is routed back from the delay unit output channels to the delay unit input channels. Negative values result in phase-inverted feedback.
Xfeed knob: Set the amount of delay signal that is fed from the delay unit left output channel to the right input channel, and vice versa. Negative values result in phase-inverted feedback of the crossfed signal.
In surround instances, the Xfeed knob controls crossfeedback between the delay lines, but offers additional crossfeed modes. You can access these in the Extended Parameters area.
LoCut slider: Determine the cutoff frequency of the highpass filter at the delay line output/feedback loop.
HiCut slider: Determine the cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter at the delay line output/feedback loop.
Groove Pad: Graphically adjust delay times in stereo or surround instances. See Sculpture Groove Pad (stereo) and Sculpture Groove Pad (surround).
Input Balance slider: Move the stereo center of the Delay input to the left or right, without the loss of any signal components. This makes it ideal for ping-pong delays.
In surround instances, this parameter moves all channels toward the front left or front right channel.
Delay Time slider and field: Set the delay time. This can be in either musical note values—1/4, 1/4t (1/4 triplet), and so on (see “Sync button” below)—or in milliseconds.
Sync button: Set either tempo-synced or free-running delay modes.
Output Width slider: Change the stereo or surround base of the wet signal. A value of 0.0 results in mono output. A value of 1.0 results in full stereo or surround output—the left delay line output channels are panned hard left, and the right delay line output channels are panned hard right, but the stereo center is unaffected.
Note: This parameter is aimed primarily at achieving pure delay grooves in multiple channels, without hard left/right ping-pong panning.