Backup audio files in the Audio File Editor in Logic Pro for Mac
Although the Undo History and standard Undo functions are available in Logic Pro for Mac, try to get in the habit of creating backups before processing or editing. This provides a safety copy of your audio recordings in case something unexpected happens, due to a processing error or other unforeseen event.
You can make manual backups of the file you’re editing, or replace it with a backup version at any time, using a variety of functions.
In Logic Pro, choose Audio File > Create Backup from the Audio File Editor menu bar (or press Control-B).
A copy of the audio file (with the extension .dup) is created in the same folder as the source file.
In Logic Pro, choose Audio File > Revert to Backup from the Audio File Editor menu bar (or press Control-Option-Command-B).
This function completely replaces the current audio file with the backup (provided one exists).
Important: You cannot reverse this function with Undo.
In Logic Pro, choose Audio File > Save A Copy of Audio File As from the Audio File Editor menu bar.
Choose your settings in the Save A Copy As dialog:
You can set the sample rate, bit depth, file format, stereo conversion, and dither type for the destination file. The dialog also features an “Add resulting files to Project Audio” option, allowing you to add the file to the Project Audio Browser, following the save.
Browse to the location (such as a hard disk and folder) where you want to store the audio file, then enter a name for the audio file in the Save As field.
Click Save.
In Logic Pro, choose Audio File > Save Selection As from the Audio File Editor menu bar (or press Shift-Command-S).
The Save Selection As dialog includes the same file conversion choices as the Save A Copy As dialog.