Edit line breaks in a score in Logic Pro for Mac
You can set line breaks individually for each score set, and also for each extracted part. Line breaks are saved with the project.
By default, Logic Pro for Mac creates automatic line breaks based on the Spacing and Maximum Bars/Line settings in the Score Global project settings. You can override automatic line breaks using the Layout tool in Page view, and can also create line breaks by adding a Line Break symbol from the Part box in any view.
For example, if the Score Global project setting for Maximum Bars/Line is 6, you can move additional bars into a line using the Layout tool. Any unedited lines will still contain no more than six bars. The full number of bars is only displayed if the spacing settings are low enough to allow the proper display of that many bars.
For information about the Score Global project settings, see Global Score project settings. For information about adding line break symbols, see Add page and line break symbols to a score.
Note: If you drag more bars into a line than would be displayed using the automatic line break function, overlapping notes and symbols may result.
When you move a bar with the Layout tool, all manually edited line breaks in subsequent lines are deleted, and automatic line breaks are recalculated from that line downward. If you want to avoid having later lines recalculated, press and hold Option while moving the bars with the Layout tool. This limits the line break to the staff systems you are editing; other staff systems are unchanged.