Control windows using Catch modes in Logic Pro for Mac
You can control how windows update to reflect changes to the playhead position using Catch modes. When you work in Catch mode, the visible section of a window follows the playhead during playback or recording.
If the Catch button is inactive, the display does not update, even when the playhead moves past the right edge of the visible portion of the window.
In the Logic Pro > Settings > General > Catch pane, you can set the following options:
Catch when starting playback: Turns on Catch mode whenever you click Play or Pause.
Catch when moving playhead: Turns on Catch mode whenever you move the playhead.
You also have the option of using Catch mode together with the Scroll in Play setting. The View menus of all windows that display time horizontally (Tracks area, Score Editor, Piano Roll Editor, and Step Editor) offer the View > Scroll in Play setting. If the Catch function of the window is also activated, the playhead remains in the middle of the window, while the background scrolls smoothly from right to left.
Content Catch mode is commonly used in the Tracks area, with linked MIDI editor windows updating to show the events in the MIDI region currently under the playhead (on the selected track).
Content Catch mode is available only when Additional Options for Advanced editing is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced.
Note: To set Content Catch as the default for newly opened areas, turn on the Logic Pro > Settings > General > Catch > “Catch content by position if Catch and Link are enabled” setting.