Studio Piano in Logic Pro for Mac
The studio instruments are high-quality multisampled players that offer a collection of solo and grouped instrument presets. See Studio Bass, Studio Horns, and Studio Strings.
Studio Piano is a sample-based software instrument that accurately reproduces the sounds of various pianos and simulates many of their physical characteristics, such as action movement, dampers, and resonance.

It’s optimized for use with the Keyboard Player, but you can also use Studio Piano with a MIDI keyboard to play and record, and you can use it with MIDI and pattern regions.
If you’re new to using plug-ins in Logic Pro, see Add, remove, move, and copy plug-ins.
Studio Piano parameters
Instrument pop-up menu: Choose a piano. You can choose from the following:
Studio Grand
Concert Grand
Vintage Upright
Studio Grand (Mono Mic)
Stereo Mic A slider: Set the volume of a stereo pair of condenser microphones.
Stereo Mic B slider: Set the volume of a stereo pair of ribbon microphones.
Mono Mic slider: Set the volume of a ribbon microphone.
Stereo Mic A On/Off button: Turn stereo microphone pair A on or off.
Stereo Mic B On/Off button: Turn stereo microphone pair B on or off.
Mono Mic On/Off button: Turn the mono microphone on or off.
Main Volume: Set the output level of the instrument.
Pedal Noise value: Set the volume of the sound of pressing and releasing the piano pedals.
Key Noise value: Set the volume of the sound of pressing and releasing the keys.
Release Samples value: Set the volume of the damper returning to the string when you release a key. Release samples allow for a natural-sounding decay. If a low release sample value is set, the sound may cut off abruptly, which can sound unnatural.
Sympathetic Resonance value: Set the volume of the resonance of undamped strings.