Movie project settings in Logic Pro for Mac
Movie project settings are used in order to determine the movie offset, volume, and tempo value.

When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, the following are available:
Movie Position field: Moves the position of the full movie to the left or right.
Region Position field: Moves the position of the movie region to the left or right.
Region Borders Start field: Determines the start position of the movie region. This reflects the same SMPTE position as the Movie Position field if the movie region covers the full movie file.
Region Borders End field: Determines the end position of the movie region.
Region Borders Length field: Shows the length of the movie region, based on the start and end positions.
Movie Volume slider: Sets the volume of the audio track.
Mute button: Mutes the volume of the audio track.
Movie Settings button: Opens the Movie Settings window.