The Vector Envelope is a multipoint, loop-capable modulation source. It provides real-time control of pointer movements in the Triangle and the Planar Pad. The Vector Envelope shares the space occupied by the modulation router.
Each played voice has an independent Vector Envelope, which is triggered from its start point with every new keystrike (MIDI note-on message).
Conceptually, the Vector Envelope—and Planar Pad and Triangle—may be difficult to grasp, but some experimentation reveals how easy these features are to use. Combine these facilities with other synthesis options to create truly unique sounds that are—quite literally—moving.
In Logic Pro, click the Vector Envelope button to the right of the router to display the Vector Envelope.
In Logic Pro, turn off the Solo Point button to make the Vector Envelope active.
Turn on the Solo Point button to deactivate the Vector Envelope.
When Solo Point is turned on, only the currently selected Triangle and Planar Pad positions of the currently selected point are active.
In Logic Pro, the Vector Mode pop-up menu is used to set a Vector Envelope target.
Choose the Vector Envelope target—the Planar Pad, Triangle, or both.
Off: The Vector Envelope does not control the Triangle or the Planar Pad. It is completely turned off. You can manually set and control the pointers of the Triangle and the Planar Pad.
Mix: The Vector Envelope controls the Triangle but not the Planar Pad.
XY: The Vector Envelope controls the Planar Pad but not the Triangle.
Mix+XY: The Vector Envelope controls both the Planar Pad and the Triangle.
In Logic Pro, Control-click anywhere in the Vector Envelope to open a shortcut menu of commands and functions.
Choose any item in the menu to perform the operation.