Po úprave tohto ovládacieho prvku sa táto stránka znova načíta
You can use the I/O Labels window to define names for all channel strip Input, Output, and Send (Bus) menu items, to use in place of the default labels (such as “Input 1”).
In Logic Pro, do one of the following:
Choose Mix > I/O Labels.
Choose Options > I/O Labels from the Mixer menu bar.
Choose a device from the Device pop-up menu, if you have multiple audio interfaces. I/O labels can be individually defined for each hardware driver type, but are valid for all projects.
In the Logic Pro I/O Labels window, select the button in the User column.
Double-click the “-” in the Long (name) column, enter a new name, then press Return.
Repeat the process for the Short (name) column.
Channel strip items can have both a long name and a short name. The short name appears in Input, Output, and Bus slots, and the long name is displayed in the popup menu.
Note: I/O Labels are saved as Logic Pro settings, independent from the project.
In the Logic ProI/O Labels window, do one of the following:
Click the corresponding button in the Channel column.
Choose one of the following from the Reset pop-up menu:
Reset All Labels
Reset Input Labels
Reset Output Labels
Reset Bus Labels
In the Logic Pro for Mac I/O Labels window, click the corresponding button in the Provided by Driver column.