What’s new in Logic Pro 10.6
Optimized for Apple Silicon
New Universal version provides improved performance and efficiency on Mac computers with Apple silicon.
Live Loops enhancements
You can now move and duplicate multiple scenes in the Live Loops grid. The Zoom tool is now in the Tool menu and can be activated with a key command. See Edit Live Loops scenes and Change Live Loops view settings.
Sampler enhancements
You can now add a track with a Sampler instrument by dragging a single audio file to the area below all existing tracks in the Tracks area. New menu commands let you optimize the loop start and loop end of audio files in the Waveform display. You can now assign modulation sources directly in the Synth pane by Control-clicking a target parameter and choosing the desired modulation source in the shortcut menu. See Create a basic modulation routing.
Step Sequencer
Now you can use Logic Remote to design beats on your iPhone or iPad using Multi-touch. See the Logic Remote User Guide.
New region color setting
You can now set whether regions can be colored individually or follow the track color as a Display Tracks setting. See Display Tracks settings in Logic Pro.
New content and tutorial project
A new Keyboard Collection sound pack is now included in the Sound Library. A new tutorial project for Drum Machine Designer is available in the Project Chooser.