Assets project settings in Logic Pro for Mac
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Advanced settings, Assets project settings are available.
These settings let you select which asset types are copied either into the project package or into a subfolder inside the project folder, depending on how you chose to organize your project when saving it. Ideally, you should save all project assets with the project file, but on certain occasions you may prefer not to.
You can choose to copy the following assets into the project package or project folder:

Project Package or Project Folder: The header indicates whether the project was saved as a single file (package) or as a folder. See Save projects.
Copy audio files into project checkbox: If selected, any audio files imported into the project are copied and stored as part of your project package or folder.
Convert audio file sample rate when importing checkbox: If selected, any audio files that are imported into the project automatically are converted to the sample rate of the project if necessary.
Copy Sampler audio files into project checkbox: If selected, any samples used in the project are stored as part of your project package or folder.
Copy Alchemy audio files into project checkbox: If selected, any Alchemy audio data used in the project is stored as part of your project package or folder.
Copy Ultrabeat audio files into project checkbox: If selected, any Ultrabeat samples used in the project are stored as part of your project package or folder.
Copy Space Designer impulse responses into project checkbox: If selected, any Space Designer impulse responses used in the project are stored as part of your project package or folder.
Copy movie file into project checkbox: If selected, any movie files used in the project are stored as part of your project package or folder.
Copy Apple Sound Library content into project checkbox: If selected, any Apple Sound Library Content used in the project is stored as part of your project package or folder.