Control Surface Group send and plug-in parameters in Logic Pro for Mac
These Control Surface Group parameters control different operational aspects of send and plug-in parameters.

Send and plug-in parameters
Send Slot field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the currently selected Send slot. The default is 1, which sets the first (top) Send on each channel as the Send slot. A value of 2 sets the second send as the Send slot, a value of 3, the third Send slot, and so on.
Send Parameter pop-up menu: Choose the Send parameter controlled by rotary encoders on the control surface device when in Send Multi Channel view. The choices are:
Destination: Rotary encoders on the device set the bus channel number for the Send slot.
Level: Rotary encoders on the device set the Send level.
Position: Rotary encoders on the device set Pre, Post, or Post Pan fader modes.
Mute: Rotary encoders on the device mute/unmute the selected Send slot.
All Sends Parameter Page field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current page for Send parameters. Up to 32 parameters are available in Send Channel Strip view for a given channel (eight Send slots multiplied by the four parameters listed above).
Split: no. of upper parameters field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the number of encoders that belong to Split Upper, for control surfaces that support Split mode. The remaining encoders belong to Split Lower. A value of 0 indicates Split mode is off—all encoders are assigned to the Split Upper area.
Control surfaces that support Split mode allow the display of two separate parameter sections within one plug-in (or even different plug-ins). They are called Split Upper and Split Lower.
Instrument Parameter Page field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to determine the parameter assigned to the leftmost encoder when editing a software instrument. The next instrument parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on. This applies to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on.
Inst Param Page (Split Lower): Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the parameter assigned to the leftmost encoder of Split Lower when editing a software instrument when Split mode is turned on. The next instrument parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on.
Insert Type pop-up menu: Choose an Audio or MIDI insert slot type. The former is used for assignment and control of audio plug-ins. The latter is used for assignment and control of instrument plug-ins.
Insert Slot field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current Insert slot number. This applies both when selecting a plug-in (in Plug-in Channel Strip view) and when editing a plug-in’s parameters. The default is 1, which sets the first (top) plug-in slot on each channel as the Insert slot. A value of 2 sets the second plug-in slot as the Insert slot, and so on. This applies only to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on.
Insert Type (Split Lower) pop-up menu: Choose an Audio or MIDI insert slot type. The former is used for assignment and control of audio plug-ins. The latter is used for assignment and control of instrument plug-ins. Your choice only applies when Split mode is turned on.
Insert Slot (Split Lower) field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to set the current Insert slot number for Split Lower when selecting or editing a plug-in when Split mode is turned on.
Note: The effect plug-in and instrument page parameters are separated because this allows you to quickly switch between editing an instrument and editing an effect plug-in on a channel, without adjusting the parameter page every time.
Plug-in Parameter Page field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define the parameter assigned to the leftmost encoder when editing a plug-in. The next plug-in parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on. This applies only to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on.
Plug-in Param Page (Split Lower) field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define the parameter assigned to the leftmost encoder of Split Lower when editing a plug-in with Split mode turned on. The next plug-in parameter is assigned to encoder 2, and so on.
Channel Strip Track field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define the track displayed for Channel Strip views. This applies only to Split Upper when Split mode is turned on.
Channel Strip Track (Split Lower) field: Drag vertically, or enter an integer value to define the track displayed in the Split Lower section of the control surface for Channel Strip views, when Split mode is turned on.
Track Lock checkbox: Click to determine how the control surface responds when a track is selected—in essence, this remotely affects the Track and Track (Split Lower) parameters. When Track Lock is turned on, the control surface group continues to display the same track, independent of the currently selected track in Logic Pro. When Track Lock is turned off, the control surface group automatically switches to the track selected in Logic Pro.