Overview of MIDI Transform presets in Logic Pro for Mac
The following table describes the operations performed by the MIDI Transform window presets in Logic Pro for Mac.
Preset | Operation | ||||||||||
Fixed Velocity | Sets a fixed velocity for note events. Change the Velocity value field in the Operations area to adjust all selected events to the chosen velocity. | ||||||||||
Random Pitch | Sets a random pitch within the range of the lowest and highest note events in the selected region. Change the Pitch condition values to alter your selection range. | ||||||||||
Random Velocity | Sets a random velocity for note events. Change the Velocity condition values to alter your selection range. | ||||||||||
Random Pitch, Velocity, Length | Sets a random pitch, velocity, and length for note events. Pitch values are set to a random value between the lowest and highest note events in the selected region. Change the Pitch, Velocity, and Length condition values to alter your selection ranges. | ||||||||||
Crescendo | Used to gradually increase the velocities of a group of notes from low to high values (or vice versa—decrescendo or diminuendo).
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Scale 14 Bit PitchBd | Scales pitch bend data, keeping the 14-bit information intact. The length of pitch bend events is expressed as a decimal value ranging from −8192 to 8191, and this is the 14-bit information that is retained.
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Double Speed | Doubles the tempo by halving event positions and lengths. By default, the Div(ision) value fields for the Position and Length operations are set to 2.0000. This preset is a useful creative option for drum regions. Change the values in both fields to 4.000 to quadruple the tempo. | ||||||||||
Half Speed | Halves the tempo by doubling event positions and lengths. The Mul(tiply) value fields for the Position and Length operations are set to 2.0000 by default. Set both Mul operation value fields to 1.5000 to reduce the tempo by approximately 30%. | ||||||||||
Humanize | Adds a random value to the position, velocity, and length of selected note events. It can add life to strictly quantized material, or manually entered notes. This preset is useful on rhythmic parts, such as clavinet, piano, drum, and percussion. Alter the values for Position, Velocity, or Length to increase or decrease the random factor for each of these event parameters. | ||||||||||
Reverse Position | Reverses the positions of events (usually notes) within a section. Change the Position condition values to alter your selection range. | ||||||||||
Reverse Pitch | Inverts the pitch of all note events. Change the Flip operation value to set a pivot point note number, around which note event pitches are reversed. | ||||||||||
Transposition | Transposes all note events.
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Exponential Velocity | Alters the scaling of the velocity curve. This preset is useful for software or MIDI instrument parts. Velocity is often used to control both the initial volume of instruments and to trigger filter envelopes, making the sound brighter or darker. Transforming regions can be faster than changing velocity scaling or filter parameters of your MIDI or software instruments. Change the Velocity value field in the Operations area to change the velocity curve. This is reflected in the map area. | ||||||||||
Velocity Limiter | Limits the velocity to a maximum value. This is useful for transforming instrument parts that are too strident, by limiting the velocity. Change the Max operation field value to limit the velocity to a maximum value. This is reflected in the map area. | ||||||||||
Fixed Note Length | Creates constant note lengths. Useful on many instruments, particularly drums and other rhythmic parts, such as pianos, clavinets, and basses. Change the Length value field in the Operations area to resize all selected events to the chosen length. Both shorter and longer events are changed to match the specified length value. | ||||||||||
Maximum Note Length | Sets the maximum length of all note events. Change the Length value field in the Operations area to define the maximum note length. Existing notes that are shorter than the length defined in the Length field retain their lengths. Events that are longer than the defined value are reduced in length. | ||||||||||
Minimum Note Length | Sets the minimum note length. Change the Min value field in the Operations area to define the minimum note length. Existing note lengths that are longer than the length defined in the Min field retain their lengths. Note events that are shorter than the defined value are increased in length. | ||||||||||
Quantize Note Length | Change the Length value field in the Operations area to define the length that note end positions are quantized to. |