What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 10.7.8
Share projects to Logic Pro for iPad
Logic Pro for Mac is fully compatible with the new Logic Pro for iPad app. You can open a Logic Pro project in Logic Pro for iPad and continue working. Certain features in Logic Pro are not supported in Logic Pro for iPad. See Share a project to Logic Pro for iPad.
Use virtual MIDI devices to send and receive MIDI messages with other music apps
Logic Pro for Mac includes two virtual MIDI devices, called Logic Pro Virtual In and Logic Pro Virtual Out. You can use Logic Pro Virtual In to receive MIDI messages from another music app in Logic Pro, and use Logic Pro Virtual Out to send MIDI messages from Logic Pro to other music apps on your Mac, including GarageBand for Mac. See Virtual MIDI devices overview, Record MIDI messages from a virtual MIDI device, and Send MIDI messages from Logic Pro for Mac to another music app.
Join tool enhancements
The Glue tool in earlier Logic Pro for Mac versions is now the Join tool. In addition to its other functions, clicking a looped region with the Join tool now merges the original and looped instances into a single region. See Join regions.
Automation point editing enhancements
When adjusting a range of automation points, the relative differences in their values are now retained. If the value of any of the automation points reaches the minimum or maximum value, none of the values can be adjusted further. You can override this behavior by holding the Option key while dragging. See Adjust a range of automation points.
When you make a marquee selection on an automation lane for a track and then press the Delete key, any automation points in the selection are deleted, resulting in automation points being placed at the start and end of the selected area. See Delete automation.
Neural Pitch Detection algorithm in Pitch Correction plug-in
In Logic Pro for Mac 10.7.8, the Pitch Correction plug-in features a Neural Pitch Detection checkbox, which is selected by default. Neural Pitch Detection activates an algorithm that intelligently sets the range and combines with other controls to deliver exceptionally natural-sounding results. See Pitch Correction effect.
New project default sample rate setting
The project sample rate on new installations of Logic Pro for Mac now defaults to 48 kHz. The default sample rate for existing Logic Pro users is unchanged unless you delete the Logic Pro settings file on your Mac. You can change the sample rate of a project at any time.
New sound pack
Logic Pro for Mac 10.7.8 includes a new sound pack: 8-Bit Legends. You can download this and other sound packs from the Sound Packs section of the Sound Library Manager. See Manage Logic Pro content.
Miscellaneous enhancements
You can choose to open Logic Pro without Audio Units plug-ins by immediately pressing and holding the Control key. You can also choose whether Logic Pro opens with Core Audio enabled or not enabled.
The Edit menu in the Mixer includes a command to select summing stack channel strips.