Sample Alchemy edit modes in Logic Pro for Mac
There are three edit modes. Choose Play, Motion, and Trim buttons to determine the edit mode.
Edit mode buttons: Select an edit mode. Play mode provides five different ways to play back the sample. Motion mode lets you record the movement of the source handles, and Trim mode lets you crop the sample.
Play buttons: Select a Play mode. There are five play modes, each providing a different way to play back the sample. See Sample Alchemy play modes in Logic Pro for Mac.
Motion button: Select Motion mode. Motion mode lets you record the movement of the source handles. After recording, the movement plays back in sync with the tempo of your project when the sound is triggered. See Sample Alchemy Motion mode in Logic Pro for Mac.
Trim button: Select Trim mode. This mode lets you crop the sample. See Sample Alchemy Trim mode in Logic Pro for Mac.