What’s new in Logic Pro for Mac 11.1
Quantec Room Simulator
The Quantec Room Simulator plug-in provides advanced digital reverb effects with a high degree of customization. It uses a unique algorithmic reverb technology to replicate how sound waves behave in different acoustic environments, and it includes both the classic QRS and the later YardStick models.
The Quantec technology has been used in studios around the world for countless pop music recordings, radio plays, classical music broadcasts, and movie soundtracks. See Quantec Room Simulator.
Reorder channel strips in the Mixer
You can reorder channel strips in the Mixer by dragging them. You can select multiple channel strips, including nonadjacent ones, and reorder them together. When you reorder channel strips assigned to tracks, the corresponding tracks are reordered in the Tracks area. See Reorder channel strips in the Mixer.
Search for plug-ins in the Mixer
In the Mixer you can search for an audio, instrument, or MIDI plug-in by name and add the plug-in to an empty plug-in slot, or replace the existing plug-in on an occupied slot. You can also search for an audio effect plug-in using the Search and Add Plug-in command in the Mix menu, and add the plug-in to the focused track in the Mixer. See Search for plug-ins in the Mixer.
Additionally, you can search for an input, an output, a send, or a side chain source from their respective pop-up menus.
Other features
New options for Bounce regions in place: The Bounce in Place dialog includes a Destination File pop-up menu with options to bounce regions to a single file, one file per track, or one file per selected region. See Bounce regions in place.
Bypass low frequencies in Beat Breaker: Using the Bypass Below controls, you can set Beat Breaker to bypass frequencies below a chosen threshold while affecting mid and high frequencies. See Beat Breaker Main Editor.
Remove a plug-in or a send from a channel strip in the Mixer: You can quickly remove a plug-in or a send from a channel strip in the Mixer by Command-clicking, without having to open a menu. See Quickly remove a plug-in or send.
Consolidated option for saving Sampler instruments: When saving a Sampler instrument together with its samples, you can have Logic Pro consolidate the saved samples to a minimum number of audio files of the CAF file type by selecting the Consolidate checkbox in the Save dialog. See Load and save Sampler instruments.
Auto Record Enable setting: Using the Auto Record Enable pop-up menu in Recording settings, you can choose whether all selected software instrument tracks are record enabled or only the focused track. See Recording settings.
Join flexed regions using the Join command or the Join tool: Now you can join flexed regions using either the Join command in the Edit menu or the Join tool. See Merge two or more notes.
Table for Step Sequencer step rates: The Step Sequencer chapter now includes a table showing the musical length of every step rate. See Change the step rate for the pattern.
Share songs to Voice Memos: You can share a song to the Voice Memos app on your Mac. Songs can be shared as compressed audio files with various quality levels. See Share songs to Voice Memos.
New sound packs: The Modular Melodies and PomPom sound packs are available to download from the Sound Library. See Manage Logic Pro content.
You can view the Release Notes for this release here.