Alchemy sequencer in Logic Pro for Mac
Modulation components are shown only in advanced view. Click the Advanced button to switch to advanced view.
The sequencer module is a programmable step-based modulator that can play patterns of up to 128 steps that are synchronized with the project tempo. The level of each step, groove/swing, and envelope can be controlled globally for the pattern and per step.

Alchemy sequencer controls
Current sequencer pop-up menu and field: Access each Sequencer control panel by choosing a number from the pop-up menu or with the Previous and Next arrows. Alchemy provides up to 16 sequencers—one by default, but more if you create them when assigning modulators.
Trigger pop-up menu: Choose On to play the sequencer pattern from the beginning with each MIDI note-on. Off makes the sequencer run continuously. Voice On/FX Off modulates voice parameters only, not effects. The sequencer module is always synchronized with the Logic Pro tempo, regardless of the Trigger setting.
Note: Settings from earlier application versions may not behave as expected because of the additional trigger option. Change to VoiceOn/FX Off to match the former version behavior, then resave the setting.
Rate pop-up menu and field: Set the duration of every step in the sequencer pattern, expressed as a fraction of a beat. For example, assuming a quarter-note beat, a value of 1/2 produces eighth note steps and a value of 1/4 produces sixteenth note steps. You can also step through Rate values with the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows).
Value Snap pop-up menu and field: Quantize sequencer step values, limiting them to exact fractions of the available range. For example, a setting of 1/2 aligns bars to the values 0%, 50%, and 100% when dragged vertically. Off disables quantization, which lets you set step values freely. You can also step through available values with the Previous and Next buttons (the arrows).
Note: Value Snap doesn’t move existing step values into alignment with quantized positions; it only affects the response of step values when you move or create them in the step editor.
Edit Mode pop-up menu: Choose one of three edit modes. Your choice affects the appearance and behavior of the step editor to the right.
Value: View and edit the value of each step in the pattern.
Length: View and edit the length of each step in the pattern. Technically, you create a pattern of longer and shorter envelope shapes so that the attack, sustain (gate), and release stages fill a larger or smaller portion of the fixed step duration. These lengths are combined with the overall sequencer Attack/Gate/Release settings to determine the envelope shape of each step.
Swing: Create variations in the timing of steps. Each swing value ranges from 0 to 2; the middle value of 1 represents standard timing, while smaller values play earlier and larger values play later. These swing values are combined with the overall sequencer timing pattern set with the Swing knob.
File button: Open a pop-up menu with sequencer-related commands.
Preset submenu: Choose a preset sequencer configuration. This can be used as is, or as a starting point for your own sequences.
Save: Store the current sequencer configuration (step values, lengths, and swing settings plus the sequencer control settings) in a new disk file (*.seq). The new sequence name appears at the bottom of the Preset submenu.
Copy/Paste: Store the current sequencer configuration in the Clipboard. Paste applies the configuration currently found on the Clipboard.
Clear: Reset the sequencer controls and pattern to default settings.
Randomize: Apply random offsets to the Swing, Attack, Gate, and Release parameter values.
Import: See the Import data from a MIDI file task in this section.
Swing knob: Adjust timing to create swing effects. Values over 0% increase the duration of odd-numbered steps (1, 3, 5, and so on) while decreasing even-numbered step lengths.
Attack knob: Set the time required for each step to reach its peak level.
Hold knob: Set the amount of time each step is held at its peak level.
Release knob: Set the time required for each step to fall from its peak level to zero.
Step editor: Shows steps numbered from left to right across the top of the display. Steps are represented by vertical bars that you can edit directly. The appearance and behavior of the step editor is determined by the active Edit Mode menu choice.
Scroll bar: Drag the middle of the scroll bar to view steps that are not visible in the display area.