ES2 modulation source reference in Logic Pro for Mac
The table outlines all modulation sources.
Source | Comment | ||||||||||
LFO1 | LFO 1 is used as a source. | ||||||||||
LFO2 | LFO 2 is used as a source. | ||||||||||
ENV1 | Envelope Generator 1 is used as a source. | ||||||||||
ENV2 | Envelope Generator 2 is used as a source. | ||||||||||
ENV3 | Envelope Generator 3 is used as a source. Envelope Generator 3 always controls the level of the overall sound. | ||||||||||
Pad-X, Pad-Y | Define the axes of the Planar Pad as modulation sources for the selected modulation target. See Use the ES2 Planar Pad and Use the ES2 Vector Envelope. | ||||||||||
Max | Max sets the value of this source to +1. This offers interesting options for controlling the modulation intensity with all possible via values. | ||||||||||
Kybd | Kybd (Keyboard) outputs the keyboard position (the MIDI note number). The center point is C3 (an output value of 0). Five octaves below and above, an output value of −1 or +1, respectively, is sent. Modulate the Cut 1+2 target with the Kybd source to control the cutoff frequencies of the filters with the keyboard position—as you play up and down the keyboard, the cutoff frequencies change. A modulation intensity of 0.5 proportionately scales cutoff frequencies with keyboard note pitches. | ||||||||||
Velo | Velocity sensitivity serves as a modulation source. | ||||||||||
Bender | The pitch bend wheel serves as a bipolar modulation source. This is also true when the Bend Range parameter of the oscillators is set to 0. | ||||||||||
ModWhl | The modulation wheel serves as a modulation source. For most standard applications, you’ll probably use the wheel as the via controller. Traditionally, it is used to control the intensity of periodic LFO modulations. Used here, it can be employed for direct, static modulations, such as controlling both filter cutoff frequencies (Target = Cut 1+2). | ||||||||||
Touch | Aftertouch serves as a modulation source. ES2 reacts to polyphonic aftertouch. If you set the Target to Cut 1+2, the cutoff frequencies rise and fall, depending on how firmly you press a key on your touch-sensitive MIDI keyboard—after the initial keystrike. | ||||||||||
Whl+To | Both the modulation wheel and aftertouch serve as modulation sources. | ||||||||||
MIDI Controllers A-F | MIDI controllers available in the router are named Ctrl A–F and can be assigned to arbitrary controller numbers. See ES2 macros and controllers overview. | ||||||||||
RndN01 | RndNO1 (Note On Random1) outputs a random modulation value between −1.0 and 1.0, that changes when a note is triggered or retriggered. The (random) note-on modulation remains constant throughout the note duration, until the next note-on trigger. There is no value change when playing legato while in legato mode. | ||||||||||
RndN02 | RndNO2 (Note On Random 2) behaves like Note On Random1, but it glides, rather than steps, to the new random value, using the Glide time (inclusive of modulation). It also differs from Note On Random 1 in that the random modulation value changes when playing legato while in legato mode. | ||||||||||
SideCh | SideCh (Side Chain modulation) uses a side chain signal as a modulation (trigger) signal. The side chain source can be chosen from the Side Chain pop-up menu in the upper gray area of the plug-in window. It is fed to the internal envelope follower, which creates a modulation value based on the current side chain input signal level. |