Legacy Electric Clav(inet) in Logic Pro for Mac
Electric Clavinet, which is based on Vintage Clav, emulates the Hohner D6 clavinet.
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Voices pop-up menu: Choose the maximum number of voices that can be played simultaneously. Lowering the value of this parameter limits the polyphony and processing requirements of Electric Clav. There are two monophonic settings: mono and legato. Each setting provides a single voice when playing Electric Clav.
Mono: Electric Clav voice is triggered each time a key is pressed.
Legato: Electric Clav sound-shaping processes are not triggered if the notes are played legato—only the pitch changes. If the notes are played staccato, a voice with all sound-shaping processes is triggered.
Damper slider: Changes the tone, making it less sustained and more woody sounding as you move toward the high setting.
Volume slider: Sets the overall volume level of the instrument.
Auto Wah slider: Sets the sensitivity of the (filter) envelope to incoming note velocity messages.
An auto wah effect is produced by using the integrated envelope follower function, which controls the depth of filter cutoff modulation. In practical terms, this means that the dynamics of your performance directly control the depth of the Wah effect.
Phaser slider: Sets the overall level of the integrated Phaser effect.
The Phaser effect adds a sweeping, whooshing quality to your clavinet sound.