Logic Pro for Mac includes a large library of chord grids, using both standard tuning and a variety of alternative tunings. The Part box also features a variety of tablature symbols that you can add to your score, including ties, slides, bends, hammer-ons and pull-offs, and tab and slide markings.
The Part box is available when Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced.
If the Chord & Tablature section of the Part box isn’t visible, click the Chord button in the Part box.
Do one of the following:
Drag a chord grid symbol from the Part box into the score.
Choose a chord grid symbol in the Part box, then click a position in the score with the Pencil tool.
The Chord Grid Selector pane of the Chord Grid Library opens.
Select the chord grid you want to add, then click OK.
While the chord grid is selected in the score, you can reposition it by dragging horizontally or vertically.
If the Chord & Tablature section of the Part box isn’t visible, click the Chord button in the Part box.
Do one of the following:
Drag a symbol from the Part box into the score.
Choose a symbol in the Part box, then click a position in the score with the Pencil tool.
You can also display regions as tablature using the appropriate staff style. For information about choosing staff styles, see Overview of staff styles.