Sculpture view modes in Logic Pro for Mac
Click the Hide, Keyscale, or Release button to show or hide the corresponding parameters in the ring surrounding the Material Pad.

Hide, Keyscale, and Release parameters
Hide button: Hide several elements, simplifying the interface and making it impossible to accidentally change Key Scale or Release parameters.
Keyscale button: Set parameters for notes that fall below C3 or notes that are positioned above it. In simple terms, the impact of these parameters can be controlled across the keyboard range. For example, a parameter such as string Stiffness could be more intense for high notes and less intense for low notes. In practical terms, this would result in more harmonic (sweeter) sounding bass notes and inharmonic overtones in treble notes (notes above C3).
Release button: Set string Release parameters, which affect the vibrations of the string after the key is released.