Studio Bass Details view in Logic Pro for Mac
In the Details view of Studio Bass, you can change the timing of portamento slides between notes and adjust sonic qualities of the bass, such as the noise of fingers, strings, and electric circuits. You can also choose between mono and polyphonic voice settings and set the prevalence of open string tones in your performance.

Portamento parameters
Portamento knob: Set the time it takes to slide from one note to another.
Tempo Sync button: When turned on, the portamento time is set to note values instead of milliseconds.
Noise Parameters
Electric basses:
Scrapes slider: Set the volume of the sound of the pick scraping on the strings. This control is only available when the Playing Style parameter in the Main view is set to Pick.
String Noise slider: Set the volume of the sound of the hand moving on the strings.
Hum & Hiss slider: Set the volume of the electronic circuit that is characteristic of each bass instrument.
Release Noise slider: Set the volume of the sound that occurs when the finger dampens the note.
American Upright bass:
Rattles slider: Set the volume of resonant vibrations characteristic of upright bass instruments.
Releases slider: Set the volume of the sound that occurs when the finger dampens the note.
Handling slider: Set the volume of the sound of hands moving and changing their position on the instrument.
The output of these parameters are summed together and controlled by the Noises parameter in the Main view.
Pitch, Voice Mode, and Open String parameters
Pitchbend Up value: Set the upward pitch bend range in semitone steps.
Pitchbend Down value: Set the downward pitch bend range in semitone steps.
Voice Mode pop-up menu: Choose polyphonic or monophonic behaviors.
Polyphonic: Multiple notes can be played at the same time.
Monophonic: Only one note can play at a time.
Mono per String: Only one note per string can play at a time, limited to four notes.
Open Strings pop-up menu: Choose how or whether notes on open strings are played.
Use: Play notes on open strings if they are near the current playing position.
Avoid: If possible, don’t play notes on open strings.
Prefer: Play notes on open strings if available.
Mute Controller
Mute Controller: Choose a MIDI controller to adjust the Mute parameter in the Main view.
The Mute Controller parameter is not available for the American Upright bass.