Scaled ES2 modulation targets in Logic Pro for Mac
All modulation targets outlined in this table result in a scaled modulation, which means that the target parameter value is multiplied by the modulation value. This works as follows: a modulation value of 0.0 results in no change, a modulation value of +1.0 equals a 10x multiplication, and a modulation value of −1.0 equals a multiplication by 0.04.
Target | Comments | ||||||||||
LFO1Rate | This target modulates the frequency (rate) of LFO 1. You can automatically accelerate or slow down LFO 1 rate by modulating the LFO1Rate target with one of the envelope generators (ENV) or with LFO2. | ||||||||||
Env2Atck | (Envelope 2 Attack) modulates the Attack time of the second envelope generator. | ||||||||||
Env2Dec | (Envelope 2 Decay) modulates the Decay time of the second envelope generator. In cases where you’ve selected Env2Dec as the target and Velocity as the source, the duration of the decaying note is dependent on how hard you strike the key. Selecting Keyboard as the source results in higher notes decaying more quickly (or slowly). | ||||||||||
Env2Rel | Env2Rel (Envelope 2 Release) modulates the Release time of the second envelope generator. | ||||||||||
Env2Time | Env2Time (Envelope 2 All Times) modulates all ENV2 time parameters: Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release times. | ||||||||||
Env3Atck | Env3Atck (Envelope 3 Attack) modulates the Attack time of ENV3. | ||||||||||
Env3Dec | Env3Dec (Envelope 3 Decay) modulates the Decay time of ENV3. | ||||||||||
Env3Rel | Env3Rel (Envelope 3 Release) modulates the Release time of ENV3. | ||||||||||
Env3Time | Env3Time (Envelope 3 All Times) modulates all ENV3 time parameters: Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release times. | ||||||||||
Glide | This target modulates the duration of the Glide (portamento) effect. If you modulate Glide, with Velocity selected as the source, the speed of the keystrike determines the time it takes for the played notes to reach the target pitch. |