When you’re ready, you can print a score in Logic Pro for Mac, save it as a PDF file, or export as an image using the Camera tool. The last method is most helpful if you want to export only a section of the score. Whichever method you choose, the printed score is identical to the Score Editor’s Page view display, except for the following items that are visible onscreen, but not printed:
The dashed lines that represent page and header margins, and borders between staff systems
Colors for page margins and staff lines of selected MIDI regions
Hidden time signature changes
Hidden note heads (displayed in gray on the screen) and their ties
Hidden bar lines (displayed as gray lines on the screen)
Hidden N-tuplet numbers
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can view a score in Page view, use the Camera tool, and print to a PDF.
Click the header of the Software Instrument track to select the track.
Choose File > Print (or press Command-P).
Choose the appropriate paper size and format in the File > Page Setup window.
Make sure that the Score Editor is the active window.
Choose File > Print (or press Command-P).
A dialog appears from which you can choose available options, such as which page numbers you want to print, the number of copies, and whether to “print” to (Save as) a PDF file. (The options may vary slightly for different printers.)
Choose the options you want to use, then click the Print button.
Choose one of the following Camera Tool settings in the Logic Pro > Settings > Score pane:
Clipboard: The image is copied to the Clipboard so it can be pasted directly into other apps, without saving it as a separate file.
PDF file: The image is saved as a PDF file. In the dialog that appears, enter a filename and path (when the Camera tool is used to take a snapshot of the score).
Make sure you’re viewing the score in Page view, then select the Camera tool from the Tool menu in the Score Editor menu bar.
Drag across the part of the score section you want to export. A selection rectangle appears as you drag.
As soon as you release the mouse button, a PDF file of the selected area is created (or the selection is copied to the Clipboard, depending on the Camera Tool setting you chose).
When doing layout work that requires precision, such as positioning symbols and text elements, it’s recommended that you work at high zoom levels. You can easily switch back and forth between a normal and enlarged view of the display using the Zoom tool (or drag to select while holding down Control, to enlarge the selected area).