Map screen controls automatically in Logic Pro for Mac
When you choose Automatic Smart Controls as the layout, all screen controls are mapped automatically. You can also automatically map screen controls for a Smart Control for which you have chosen a layout, in which case Logic Pro for Mac determines an appropriate mapping for the screen controls.
Automatic mapping is useful when you have added plug-ins to an empty channel strip, for tracks with Apple Loops, and with projects created in previous versions of Logic Pro for Mac.
When Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced, you can choose whether to automatically map all screen controls in the current Smart Control, or only unmapped screen controls. In order to map screen controls, the Smart Control (and the track) must have at least one plug-in inserted.
Apply automatic mapping to a Smart Control
In Logic Pro for Mac, in the Smart Controls pane, click the Inspector button
in the Smart Controls menu bar.
In the Parameter Mapping area, click a mapping, then choose one of the following:
To map all screen controls: Choose Map all Controls.
To map only unmapped screen controls: Choose Map all Unmapped Controls.