What’s new in Logic Pro 10.3
User interface
Logic Pro has a new visual design with an expanded color scheme for enhanced readability in different working environments.
Track alternatives
Track alternatives allow you to create alternate edited versions of a track and switch between them at any time to audition or edit the different options. See Use track alternatives in Logic Pro .
Selection-based processing
Selection-based processing allows effect plug-ins to be applied to audio regions and marquee selections directly in the Tracks area, either non-destructively or destructively. See Use selection-based processing in Logic Pro.
New Pan modes
New pan modes include Stereo Pan and Binaural Pan, available in the Mixer. See Set channel strip pan or balance positions.
Add tracks with GarageBand for iOS
You can share a Logic Pro project with GarageBand for iOS using iCloud Drive. In GarageBand, the project appears as a new song with a single track containing a mixdown of the project. You can add tracks using GarageBand Touch Instruments, and then send the project back to Logic Pro to continue working. See Share a project to GarageBand for iOS from Logic Pro .
Touch Bar support
If your computer has a Touch Bar, you can use the Touch Bar to work in the Tracks area, work with Smart Controls, apply key commands, and play software instruments. See Overview of Touch Bar shortcuts in Logic Pro.
Drummer Loops
Logic Pro includes Apple Loops associated with a drummer, which can be customized after being added to a project. See Apple Loops.
New Drummers
New percussion players in the styles of Pop, Songwriter, and Latin.
Enhanced Quick Help
Quick Help has been enhanced, and can now be viewed in a Coaching Tip-style window next to the pointer, as a movable floating window, or in the Inspector. See How to get help.