Add chord symbols to a score in Logic Pro for Mac
You can quickly add chord symbols to a score. Chord symbols include the root note and chord quality, and can also include extensions (added notes) and a non-root bass note (sometimes called a slash chord, because the bass note is indicated by a diagonal slash).
The Part box is available when Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced.
Add a chord symbol
If the Text section of the Part box isn’t visible, click the Text button in the Part box.
Do one of the following:
Drag the CHORD symbol from the Part box to the position in the score where you want to add it.
Select the CHORD symbol in the Part box, then click a position in the score with the Text tool.
Select any text symbol in the Part box, then Option-click a position in the score with the Text tool.
Note: Watch the help tag to make sure you insert chord symbols at the correct bar position.
Enter the text for the chord symbol:
Enter the root note and the chord quality, then any extensions.
To add a bass note, type a slash, then the bass note.
After you enter a number, everything following it is placed in the upper extension line. If you write “G7(b9/b13),” the whole “7(b9/b13)” is placed in the upper line, and the lower line remains blank.
If you enter letters before a number (FMAJ7/9, for example), the letters appear in the lower line, and everything following the first number, in the upper line.
You can override the automatic placement by entering a comma: everything before the comma is placed in the lower line, and everything after it, in the upper line. Only one comma can be used.
You can type a space to create additional horizontal space between the root and the extension.
While the chord symbol is selected in the score, you can reposition it by dragging horizontally or vertically.
To enter another chord symbol, press Tab, then repeat steps 1 through 3. The insertion point moves to the position of the next (displayed) note or rest. Enter the desired chord and repeat the process to add chord symbols to the score.
The Part box is available when Enable Complete Features is selected in Logic Pro > Settings > Advanced.